Suspirion: The Downtrodden

Suspirion: The Downtrodden
Conan Foyle
Mira sat at a corner booth in The Slab - a restaurant on the outskirts of town. She scanned the environment, watching the men who frequented the notorious steakhouse.

Mira had gathered a group of young girls from around Suspirion. They called themselves The Downtrodden. The lives of each and every one of them had been destroyed by the rampant crime running through the city. Family businesses bankrupted, broken families, kids turned out on the streets. At the bottom of all that pain was a cabal of men who ran the crime syndicates throughout Suspirion's metropolis.

Family businesses bankrupted, broken families, kids turned out on to the streets. At the bottom of all that pain was a cabal of men who ran the crime syndicates in Suspirion metropolis.

The Slab was the crime boss hangout. The Downtrodden had come to show send these men a signal. Mira outlined her plan to her fellow Downtrodden, their eyes shining with determination. They would teach the scummiest men of Suspirion a lesson they would never forget that day. The Slab was bustling with its usual crowd of criminals and corrupt officials. The Downtrodden, wearing black masks and armed with handguns, burst through the doors.

The patrons froze in fear as Mira's voice filled the room, commanding the the cartel bosses to stand up.

The Downtrodden held them at gunpoint, forcing the men into the alleyway out the back entrance to The Slab. In the dimly lit alleyway, the men were lined up, their faces etched with fear and confusion. The Downtrodden forced them into an armored van, their hands bound together.

The men's protests fell on deaf ears as the girls locked the doors and drove off into the night. The armored van rumbled through the desolate desert miles away from the flickering street lamps of Suspirion. Mira, sitting in the front seat, glanced back at them with a satisfied smile. She was determined to help them understand the consequences of their actions. The armored van came to a halt in the middle of the barren desert.

The evil men were ordered to step out, their legs shaking with anger. Mira and The Downtrodden surrounded them, their faces stern. Mira spoke, her voice carrying the weight of injustice.

She launched into a speech filled with vulnerability and fury. She recounted the pain and suffering they had caused to women of Suspirion. But Mira had more than mere words to share... The Downtrodden tied each of the men up to the back of the van and dragged each - two-by-two - through the harsh cold desert floor. The other men watched in horror from inside the van.

For hours and hours they alternated dragging the men. At 3am, The Dowmntrodden were done, their message was sent. They left the men in the center of the desert, amongst the coyotes and the cacti, to fend for themselves.

The Downtrodden returned to the city. They burned their masks and clothing in a kettledrum filled with fire under a bridge. And just like that, they separated and slipped back into society as if nothing had happened. Bruised and battered, the mobsters hiked their way back to Suspirion. They arrived back at The Slab at dawn. Sitting down at a big table, they laid out a plan: they would deploy thugs from every syndicate to turn the town upside down in search of The Downtrodden. They would burn the city down and smoke them out if need be. By mid afternoon hundreds of henchman spread out across the city, knocking down doors, threatening civilians and detaining any girl between the ages of 13 and 16 years old.

School buses cruised through the streets rounding up every single girl they could find. Hundreds of suspects. All of them were locked in a junkyard surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards. Day and night, for a week, hundreds of girls were tortured and coerced into admitting they knew of or had taken part in the desert hijacking.

Fights broke out and lives were lost. But not one of the women of Suspirion broke. At night, they comforted each other in the cold corners of the junkyard.

Then one day, Mira stepped forward. Enough was enough. She admitted that she had masterminded the plan. She was seized upon immediately by the guards and brought to the local courthouse to be tried. The courtroom was filled with tension as Mira stood before the judge, accused of kidnapping and assault. Mira's eyes sparkled with defiance as she defended their actions, portraying their heist as an act of retribution against the scummiest men of Suspirion. The courtroom was divided, with some condemning The Downtrodden and others connecting with their cause. Mira stood before the judge, her voice clear and unwavering. She recounted the stories of abused women, and the formation of the Downtrodden. Empathy rolled in waves through the members of the jury as they heard Mira's story.

The crime syndicate was shocked. They stormed out of the court, got in their limos and drove back across town to the slab. In a back room, they got violently drunk and screamed into the void.

Only one of the crew sat by himself. Scarr was a mysterious member of the crew who mainly stayed quiet. His plan would set in motion the greatest destruction the city had ever seen. Tonight, the men would drink. In the morning, a new plan would be set in motion.