Suspirion: The Sculpture

Suspirion: The Sculpture
Conan Foyle
The metropolis of Suspirion buzzed with activity as citizens hurried through the crowded streets. Neon lights flickered, casting an eerie glow on the faces of gangsters, hussies, and tricksters that lurked on every corner. In the heart of the city, tucked away in a back alley, stood the unassuming entrance to Detective Warren Incognitio's office.

The sign, barely visible in the dim light, read "Warren Incognitio: Private Detective." Detective Warren Incognitio sat behind his cluttered desk, his combed hair and piercing eyes giving him an air of refinement.

Lyla Deville, a stunning woman, walked down a the darkening alley at dusk. Her gait was as distressed as it was intentional.

The daughter of a wealthy shipping magnate, she was looking for help. She entered through the front door of the office dripping with rain. Lyla's voice trembled as she explained to the detective that a valuable sculpture had been stolen from her penthouse.

Detective Warren and Lyla descended by elevator back down to the busy streets.

Deep in discussion, they entered The Rusty Knot, a dive bar down by the water. If there was a connection to the criminal underworld of Suspiria, they were hanging out at the Rusty Knot. They saddled up to the bar and looked around. It was hard to tell the difference between a mastermind and regular old drunk at The Rusty Knot.

After an hour, a scruffy man approached their table, slipping them a piece of paper torn from a notebook before disappearing into the boisterous crowd. The note was inscribed with two words - Kilgore...Sewers. Warren and Lyla looked at each. There was only one place to start.

Warren and Lyla pushed through the busy streets and into the quieter Perabulum district. There they found a sewer great and slipped through into the subterranean world below. Like all kids who'd grown up in Suspiria, they were familiar maze of sewers below the city.

The two figures waded through the ankle deep waters of the labyrinth for hours, listening for the faintest sound, and warily watching movements in the dark. The stench was overpowering, but they pressed on, their footsteps echoing through the tunnels. Then Lyla stopped. As if traveling on the tiniest wavelength, she could hear the faint outlines of a voice. It was a voice from another world, chanting lyrics in a different language. She used the voice as their navigation. They tuned left, then right, deeper into the caverns under the city. Turning a corner they were confronted by a horrifying figure, flanked on all sides by massive rat heads.

The figured stopped singing immediately. "I am Kilgore" he growled. His voice was so low, it was almost imperceptable. Kilgore then turned and proceeded down the hallway. Warren and Lyla followed after. They were terrified but they'd come this far. No sense in turning around now. At the end of the tunnel they entered a massive lair, filled with the what they could only presume was decades worth of stolen items from Suspiria's well-healed elite.

It was Lyla who piped up first. She cut straight to the chase. "Do you have my sculpture?" she managed to stammer. Kilgore whipped around. "I do and there's only way to get it back," he growled. "You must agree to a game with the clever Kilgore." Lyla got her courage up again and managed to get out, "Tell us about this game."

Kilgore pointed with one gnarled finger at a corner of his lair. Lyla followed the direction of his Kilgore's fingernail with her eyes.

There in the darkness, a glowing orb appeared, sitting on a table covered in velvet. He turned to Lyla and simply said, "Proceed, look deeply and wait for instructions." Lyla peered closer, then made her way to the glowing crystal ball. As she approached it got brighter and she could make out a mountainscape in it's little orb world. The glow seemed to engulf her entire body. Kilgore and Warren disappeared from her awareness.

As she stared into the orb, she could hear Kilgore's voice deep inside her head, as if he was reaching through the vibrations of her very bones. "Think to when you last saw you sculpture," Kilgore urged. Lyla remembered a rainy morning she'd woken up and brushed by her sculpture on the way to the kitchen to make breakfast. Something was off that morning. She couldn't quite remember what it was. She'd been out the night before...she'd come back late...she'd taken a cab. She'd stumbled out of the cab and got to her lobby. Then she remembered! She'd forgotten to pay the driver. A sense of guilt overtook her entire being. She had so much and here was this driver working into the night for basically nothing. She was overcome with a deep sense of guilt. With a snap, the light that engulfed her disappeared. She turned to find Kilgore. He was nodding. Thank you for taking the time to see, not many do. He tapped his long nails three times on a table. The tapping echoed down the tunnel of the sewer with surprising volume. He the then smiled and stated, "Your sculpture has been returned."

Lyla and Warren raced back through the streets of Suspiria and took the elevator up to Lyla's penthouse.

Sure enough sitting right there where it had always been was Lyla's sculpture, staring warily out into the nothingness of her living room. As she gazed upon its beauty, she could here a deep but playful laughter in her bones.

She turned to Detective Warren Incognitio who was gazing out over Suspira below.