The Matrix

The Matrix
Larry And Andy Wachowski
A blinding cursor pulses in the electric darkness like a heart coursing with phosphorous light, burning beneath the derma of black-neon glass. A PHONE begins to RING, we hear it as though we were making the call.

The cursor continues to throb, relentlessly patient, until -- MAN (V.O.) Yeah?

Data now slashes across the screen, information flashing faster then we can read: "Call trans opt: received. 2-19-98 13:24:18 REC:Log>." WOMAN (V.O.) Is everything in place? On screen: "Trace program: running." We listen to the phone conversation as though we were on a third line. The man's name is Cypher. The woman, Trinity. TRINITY (WOMANV.O.) I said, is everything in place? The entire screen with racing columns of numbers. Shimmering like green-electric rivers, they rush at a 10-digit phone number in the top corner. CYPHER (MANV.O.) You weren't supposed to relieve me. TRINITY (V.O.) I know but I felt like taking a shift. The area code is identified. The first three numbers suddenly fixed, leaving only seven flowing columns. CYPHER (V.O.) You like him, don't you? You like watching him? We begin MOVING TOWARD the screen, CLOSING IN as each digit is matched, one by one, snapping into place like the wheels of a slot machine. (CONTINUED) 2. 1 CONTINUED: 1 TRINITY (V.O.) Don't be ridiculous. CYPHER (V.O.) We're going to kill him. Do you understand that? He's going to die just like the others. TRINITY (V.O.) Morpheus believes he is the One. Only two thin digits left. CYPHER (V.O.) Do you? TRINITY (V.O.) I... it doesn't matter what I believe. CYPHER (V.O.) You don't, do you? TRINITY (V.O.) If you have something to say, I suggest you say it to Morpheus. CYPHER (V.O.) I intend to, believe me. Someone has to. The final NUMBER POPS into place -- TRINITY (V.O.) Did you hear that? CYPHER (V.O.) Hear what? On screen: "Trace complete. Call origin: #312-555- 0690. TRINITY (V.O.) Are you sure this line is clean? CYPHER (V.O.) Yeah, 'course I'm sure. We MOVE STILL CLOSER, the ELECTRIC HUM of the green NUMBERS GROWING into an ominous ROAR. TRINITY (V.O.) I better go. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) 1 She hangs up as we PASS THROUGH the numbers, entering the nether world of the computer screen. Suddenly, a flash- light cuts open the darkness and we find ourselves in -- 2 INT. HEART O' THE CITY HOTEL - NIGHT 2 The hotel was abandoned after a fire licked its way across the polyester carpeting, destroying several rooms as it spooled soot up the walls and ceiling, leaving patterns of permanent shadow.

We FOLLOW four armed POLICE OFFICERS using flashlights as they creep down the blackened hall and ready themselves on either side of Room 303. The biggest of them violently kicks in the door. The other cops pour in behind him, guns thrust before them. BIG COP Police! Freeze! The room is almost devoid of furniture. There is a fold- up table and chair with a phone, a modem, and a powerbook computer. The only light in the room is the glow of the computer.

Sitting there, her hands still on the keyboard, is TRINITY; a woman in black leather. BIG COP Hands behind your head!

Now! Do it! She slowly puts her hands behind her head. 3 EXT.

HEART O' THE CITY HOTEL - NIGHT 3 A black sedan with tinted windows glides in through the police cruisers. AGENT SMITH, AGENT BROWN, and AGENT JONES get out of the car. They wear dark suits and sunglasses even at night. They are also always hardwired; small Secret Service earphones in one ear, the cord coiling back into their shirt collars.

AGENT SMITH Lieutenant? LIEUTENANT Oh shit. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 4. 3 CONTINUED: 3 AGENT SMITH Lieutenant, you were given specific orders -- LIEUTENANT I'm just doing my job. You gimme that Juris-my dick-tion and you can cram it up your ass. AGENT SMITH The orders were for your protection. The Lieutenant laughs. LIEUTENANT I think we can handle one little girl. Agent Smith nods to Agent Brown as they start toward the hotel. LIEUTENANT I sent two units. They're bringing her down now. AGENT SMITH No, Lieutenant, your men are already dead. 4 INT.

HEART O' THE CITY HOTEL 4 The Big Cop flicks out his cuffs, the other cops holding a bead. They've done this a hundred times, they know they've got her, until the Big Cop reaches with the cuffs and Trinity moves -- It almost doesn't register, so smooth and fast, inhumanly fast. The eye blinks and Trinity's palm snaps up and the nose explodes, blood erupting. Her leg kicks with the force of a wrecking ball and he flies back, a two-hundred-fifty pound sack of limp meat and bone that slams into the cop farthest from her. Trinity moves again, BULLETS RAKING the walls, flashlights sweeping with panic as the remaining cops try to stop a leather-clad ghost. A GUN still in the cop's hand is snatched, twisted, and FIRED. There is a final violent exchange of GUNFIRE and when it's over, Trinity is the only one standing. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 5.

4 CONTINUED: 4 A flashlight rocks slowly to a stop. TRINITY Shit. 5 EXT. HEART O' THE CITY HOTEL 5 Agent Brown enters the hotel while Agent Smith heads for the alley. 6 INT. HEART O' THE CITY HOTEL 6 Trinity is on the phone, pacing. The other end is answered. MAN (V.O.) Operator. TRINITY Morpheus! The line was traced! I don't know how. MORPHEUS (MANV.O.) I know. They cut the hardline. This line is not a viable exit. TRINITY Are there any Agents? MORPHEUS (V.O.) Yes. TRINITY Goddamnit! MORPHEUS (V.O.) You have to focus. There is a phone. Wells and Lake. You can make it. She takes a deep breath, centering herself. TRINITY All right -- MORPHEUS (V.O.) Go. She drops the phone. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 6. 7 INT. HALL 7 She bursts out of the room as Agent Brown enters the hall, leading another unit of police. Trinity races to the opposite end, exiting through a broken window onto the fire escape. 8 EXT.

FIRE ESCAPE 8 In the alley below, Trinity sees Agent Smith staring at her. She can only go up. 9 EXT.

ROOF 9 On the roof, Trinity is running as Agent Brown rises over the parapet, leading the cops in pursuit. Trinity begins to jump from one roof to the next, her movements so clean, gliding in and out of each jump, contrasted to the wild jumps of the cops.

Agent Brown, however, has the same unnatural grace. The roof falls away into a wide back alley. The next building is over 40 feet away, but Trinity's face is perfectly calm, staring at some point beyond the other roof. COP That's it, we got her now. The cops slow, realizing they are about to see something ugly as Trinity drives at the edge, launching herself into the air. From above, the ground seems to flow beneath her as she hangs in flight, then hits, somersaulting up, still running hard. COP Jesus Christ -- that's impossible! They stare, slack-jawed, as Agent Brown duplicates the move exactly, landing, rolling over a shoulder up onto one knee. It is a dizzying chase up and over the dark plateaued landscape of rooftops and sheer cliffs of brick. Ahead, she sees her only chance, 50 feet beyond the point where her path drops away into a paved chasm, there is!-- 10 EXT. WINDOW 10 A yellow glow in the midst of a dark brick building. Trinity zeros in on it, running as hard as she can and -- (CONTINUED) 7. 10 CONTINUED: 10 Hurtles herself into the empty night space, her body leveling into a dive. She falls, arms covering her head as the whole world seems to spin on its axis -- A10 INT. BACK STAIRWELL A10 And she crashes with an EXPLOSION of GLASS and WOOD, then falls onto a back stairwell, tumbling, bouncing down stairs bleeding, broken -- But still alive. She wheels on the smashed opening above, her gun instantly in her hand, trained, waiting for Agent Brown but is met by only a slight WIND that HISSES against the fanged maw of broken glass. Trinity tries to move. Everything hurts. TRINITY Get up, Trinity. You're fine. Get up -- just get up! She stands and limps down the rest of the stairs. 11 EXT. STREET 11 Trinity emerges from the shadows of an alley and, at the end of the block, in a pool of white street light, she sees it!-- The telephone booth. Obviously hurt, she starts down the concrete walk, focusing in completely, her pace quickening, as the PHONE begins to RING. Across the street, a garbage truck suddenly u-turns, it's TIRES SCREAMING as it accelerates. Trinity sees the headlights of the truck arcing at the telephone booth as if taking aim. Gritting through the pain, she races the truck, slamming into the booth, the headlights blindingly bright, bearing down on the box of Plexiglas just as -- She answers the phone. There is a frozen instant of silence before the hulking mass of dark metal lurches up onto the sidewalk -- (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 8. 11 CONTINUED: 11 Barreling through the booth, bulldozing it into a brick wall, SMASHING it to PLEXIGLAS PULP. After a moment, a black loafer steps down from the cab of the garbage truck. Agent Smith inspects the wreckage. There is no body. Trinity is gone. His jaw sets as he grinds his molars in frustration. Agent Jones and Brown walk up behind him. AGENT JONES She got out. AGENT SMITH It doesn't matter. AGENT BROWN The informant is real. Agent Smith almost smiles. AGENT SMITH Yes. AGENT JONES We have the name of their next target. AGENT BROWN The name is Neo. The handset of the pay phone lays on the ground, separated in the crash like a severed limb. AGENT SMITH We'll need a search running. AGENT JONES It's already begun. We are SUCKED TOWARDS the mouthpiece of the phone, CLOSER and CLOSER, until the smooth gray plastic spreads out like a horizon and the small holes widen until we FALL THROUGH one -- Swallowed by DARKNESS. The DARKNESS CRACKLES with phosphorescent energy, the word "searching" blazing in around us as we EMERGE FROM a computer screen. The screen flickers with windowing data as a search engine runs with a steady relentless rhythm. We DRIFT BACK FROM the screen and INTO -- 9. 12 INT. NEO'S APARTMENT 12 It is a studio apartment that seems overgrown with technology. Weed-like cables coil everywhere, duct-taped into thickets that wind up and around the legs of several desks. Tabletops are filled with cannibalized equipment that lay open like an autopsied corpse. At the center of this technological rat-nest is NEO, a man who knows more about living inside a computer than outside one. He is asleep in front of his PC. Behind him, the computer screen suddenly goes blank. A prompt appears: "Wake up, Neo." Neo's eye pries open. He sits up, one eye still closed, looking around, unsure of where he is. He notices the screen. He types "CTRL X" but the letter "T" appears. NEO What...? He hits another and an "H" appears. He keeps typing, pushing random functions and keys while the computer types out a message as though it had a mind of its own. He stops and stares at the four words on the screen: "The Matrix has you." NEO What the hell? He hits the "ESC" button. Another message appears: "Follow the white rabbit." He hits it again and the message repeats. He rubs his eyes but when he opens them, there is another message: "Knock, knock, Neo." Someone KNOCKS on his door and he almost jumps out of his chair. He looks back at the computer, but the screen is now blank. Someone KNOCKS again. Neo rises, still unnerved. NEO Who is it? CHOI (O.S) It's Choi. (CONTINUED) 10. 12 CONTINUED: 12 Neo flips a series of locks and opens the door, leaving the chain on. A young Chinese MAN stands there with several of his friends. NEO You're two hours late. CHOI (MAN) I know. It's her fault. NEO You got the money? CHOI Two grand. He takes out an envelope and gives it to Neo through the cracked door. NEO Hold on. He closes the door. On the floor near his bed is a book, Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulations. The book has been hollowed out and inside are several computer disks. He takes one, sticks the money in the book and drops it on the floor. Opening the door, he hands the disk to Choi. CHOI Hallelujah! You are my Savior, man! My own personal Jesus Christ! NEO If you get caught using that -- CHOI I know, I know. This never happened. You don't exist. NEO Right... Neo nods as the strange feeling of unrealness suddenly returns. CHOI Something wrong, man? You look a little whiter than usual. NEO I don't know... My computer... (CONTINUED) 11. 12 CONTINUED: (2) 12 He looks back at Choi, unable to explain what just happened. NEO You ever have the feeling that you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming? CHOI All the time. It's called mescaline and it is the only way to fly. He smiles and slaps the hand of his nearest droog. CHOI It sounds to me like you need to unplug, man. A little R&R. What do you think, Dujour, should we take him with us? DUJOUR Definitely. NEO I can't. I have to work tomorrow. DUJOUR Come on. It'll be fun. I promise. He looks up at her and suddenly notices on her black leather motorcycle jacket dozens of pins: bands, symbols, slogans, military medals and -- A small white rabbit. The ROOM TILTS. NEO Yeah, yeah. Sure, I'll go. 13 INT. APARTMENT 13 An older apartment; a series of halls connects a chain of small high-ceilinged rooms lined with heavy casements. Smoke hangs like a veil, blurring the few lights there are. Dressed predominately in black, people are everywhere, gathered in cliques around pieces of furniture like jungle cats around a tree. (CONTINUED) 12. 13 CONTINUED: 13 Neo stands against a wall, alone, sipping from a bottle of beer, feeling completely out of place. He is about to leave when he notices a woman staring at him. The woman is Trinity. She walks straight up to him. In the nearest room, shadow-like figures grind against each other to the pneumatic beat of INDUSTRIAL MUSIC. TRINITY Hello, Neo. NEO How do you know that name? TRINITY I know a lot about you. I've been wanting to meet you for some time. NEO Who are you? TRINITY My name is Trinity. NEO Trinity? The Trinity? The Trinity that cracked the I.R.S. D-Base? TRINITY That was a long time ago. NEO Gee-zus. TRINITY What? NEO I just thought... you were a guy. TRINITY Most guys do. Neo is a little embarrassed. NEO Do you want to go somewhere and talk? TRINITY No. It's safe here and I don't have much time. (CONTINUED) 13. 13 CONTINUED: (2) 13 The MUSIC is so LOUD they must stand very close, talking directly into each other's ear. NEO That was you on my computer? She nods. NEO How did you do that? TRINITY Right now, all I can tell you, is that you are in danger. I brought you here to warn you. NEO Of what? TRINITY They're watching you, Neo. NEO Who is? TRINITY Please. Just listen. I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing. I know why you hardly sleep, why you live alone and why, night after night, you sit at your computer. You're looking for him. Her body is against his; her lips very close to his ear. TRINITY I know because I was once looking for the same thing, but when he found me he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. There is a hypnotic quality to her voice and Neo feels the words, like a drug, seeping into him. TRINITY It's the question that drives us, the question that brought you here. You know the question just as I did. NEO What is the Matrix? (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/22/98 14. 13 CONTINUED: (3) 13 TRINITY When I asked him, he said that no one could ever be told the answer to that question. They have to see it to believe it. She leans close, her lips almost touching his ear. TRINITY The answer is out there, Neo. It's looking for you and it will find you, if you want it to. She turns and he watches her melt into the shifting wall of bodies. A SOUND RISES steadily, growing out of the MUSIC, pressing in on Neo until it is all he can hear as we -- CUT TO: 14 INT. NEO'S APARTMENT 14 The sound is an ALARM CLOCK, slowly dragging Neo to consciousness. He strains to read the clock-face: 9:15!A.M. NEO Shitshitshit. 15 EXT. SKYSCRAPER 15 The downtown office of Meta CorTechs, a software development company. 16 INT. META CORTECHS OFFICE 16 The main offices are along each wall, the windows overlooking downtown. RHINEHEART, the ultimate company man, lectures Neo without looking at him, typing at his computer continuously. Neo stares at two window cleaners on a scaffolding outside, dragging their rubber squeegees down the surface of the glass. RHINEHEART You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. You believe that you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Obviously, you are mistaken. (CONTINUED) 15. 16 CONTINUED: 16 His long, bony fingers resume clicking the keyboard. RHINEHEART This company is one of the top software companies in the world because every single employee understands that they are a part of a whole. Thus, if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem. He turns again. RHINEHEART The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson. Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another job. Do I make myself clear? NEO Yes, Mr. Rhineheart. Perfectly clear. 17 INT. NEO'S CUBICLE 17 The entire floor looks like a human honeycomb, with a labyrinth of cubicles structured around a core of elevators. VOICE (O.S.) Thomas Anderson? Neo turns and finds a FEDERAL EXPRESS GUY at his cubicle door. NEO Yeah. That's me. Neo signs the electronic pad and the Fedex Guy hands him the softpak. FEDEX GUY Have a nice day. He opens the bag. Inside is a cellular PHONE. It seems the instant it is in his hand, it RINGS. Unnerved, he flips it open. NEO Hello? (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 16. 17 CONTINUED: 17 MORPHEUS (V.O.) Hello, Neo. Do you know who this is? Neo's knees give and he sinks into his chair. NEO Morpheus... MORPHEUS (V.O.) I've been looking for you, Neo. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you, but unfortunately, we have run out of time. They're coming for you, Neo. And I'm not sure what they're going to do. NEO Who's coming for me? MORPHEUS (V.O.) Stand up and see for yourself. NEO Right now? MORPHEUS (V.O.) Yes. Now. Neo starts to stand. MORPHEUS (V.O.) Do it slowly. The elevator. His head peeks up over the partition. At the elevator, he sees Agent Smith, Agent Brown and Agent Jones leading a group of cops. A female employee turns and points out Neo's cubicle. Neo ducks. NEO Holy shit! MORPHEUS (V.O.) Yes. One cop stays at the elevator, the others follow the Agents. NEO What the hell do they want with me?! (CONTINUED) 17. 17 CONTINUED: (2) 17 MORPHEUS (V.O.) I'm not sure, but if you don't want to find out, you better get out of there. NEO How?! MORPHEUS (V.O.) I can guide you out, but you have to do exactly what I say. The agents are moving quickly towards the cubicle. MORPHEUS (V.O.) The cubicle across from you is empty. NEO But what if...? MORPHEUS (V.O.) Go! Now! Neo lunges across the hall, diving into the other cubicle just as the Agents turn into his row. Neo crams himself into a dark corner, clutching the phone tightly to him. MORPHEUS (V.O.) Stay here for a moment. The Agents enter Neo's empty cubicle. A cop is sent to search the bathroom. Morpheus' voice is a whisper in Neo's ear. MORPHEUS (V.O.) A little longer... Brown is talking to another employee. MORPHEUS (V.O.) When I tell you, go to the end of the row to the first office on the left, stay as low as you can. Sweat trickles down his forehead. MORPHEUS (V.O.) Now. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 18. 17 CONTINUED: (3) 17 Neo rolls out of the cubicle, his eyes popping as he freezes right behind a cop who has just turned around. Staying crouched, he sneaks away down the row, shooting across the opening to the first office on the left. 18 INT. EMPTY OFFICE 18 The room is empty. MORPHEUS (V.O.) Good. Outside there is a scaffold. NEO How do you know all this? Morpheus laughs quietly. MORPHEUS (V.O.) The answer is coming, Neo. There is a window in front of you. Open it. He opens the window. The WIND HOWLS into the room. MORPHEUS (V.O.) You can use the scaffold to get to the roof. NEO No! It's too far away. MORPHEUS (V.O.) There's a ledge. It's a short short climb. You can make it. Neo looks down; the building's glass wall vertigos into a concrete chasm. NEO No way, no way, this is crazy. MORPHEUS (V.O.) There are only two ways out of this building. One is that scaffold. The other is in their custody. You take a chance either way. I leave it to you. CLICK. He hangs up. Neo looks at the door, then back at the scaffold. (CONTINUED) 19. 18 CONTINUED: 18 NEO This is insane! Why is this happening to me? What did I do? I'm nobody. I didn't do anything. He climbs up onto the window ledge. Hanging onto the frame, he steps onto the small ledge. The scaffold seems even farther away. NEO I'm going to die. The WIND suddenly BLASTS up the face of the building, knocking Neo off balance. Recoiling, he clings harder to the frame, and the phone falls out of his hand. He watches as it is swallowed by the distance beneath him. NEO This is insane! I can't do this! Forget it! He climbs back into the office just as a cop opens the door. NEO Shit! 19 EXT. SKYSCRAPER 19 The Agents lead a handcuffed Neo out of the revolving doors, forcing his head down as they push him into the dark sedan. Trinity watches in the rearview mirror of her motorcycle. TRINITY Shit. 20 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM 20 CLOSE ON a camera monitor; a wide angle view of a white room where Neo is sitting at a table alone. We MOVE INTO the monitor, entering the room as if the monitor was a window. At the same moment, the door opens and the Agents enter. Agent Smith sits down across from Neo. A thick manila envelope slaps down on the table. The name on the file: "Anderson, Thomas!A." (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 20. 20 CONTINUED: 20 AGENT SMITH As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. Anderson. He opens the file. Paper rattle marks the silence as he flips several pages. Neo cannot tell if he is looking at the file or at him. AGENT SMITH It seems that you have been living two lives. In one life, you are Thomas A. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. You have a social security number, you pay your taxes and you help your landlady carry out her garbage. The pages continue to turn. AGENT SMITH The other life is lived in computers where you go by the hacker alias Neo, and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. Neo feels himself sinking into a pit of shit. AGENT SMITH One of these lives has a future. One of them does not. He closes the file. AGENT SMITH I'm going to be as forthcoming as I can be, Mr. Anderson. You are here because we need your help. He removes his sunglasses, his eyes are an unnatural ice- blue. AGENT SMITH We know that you have been contacted by a certain individual. A man who calls himself Morpheus. Whatever you think you know about this man is irrelevant. The fact is that he is wanted for acts of terrorism in more countries than any other man in the world. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 21. 20 CONTINUED: (2) 20 AGENT SMITH (CONT'D) He is considered by many authorities to be the most dangerous man alive. He leans closer. AGENT SMITH My colleagues believe that I am wasting my time with you but I believe you want to do the right thing. It is obvious that you are an intelligent man, Mr. Anderson, and that you are interested in the future. That is why I believe you are ready to put your past mistakes behind you and get on with your life. Neo tries to match his stare. AGENT SMITH We are willing to wipe the slate clean, to give you a fresh start and all we are asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice. Neo nods to himself. NEO Yeah. Wow. That sounds like a real good deal. But I think I have a better one. How about I just give you the finger -- He does. NEO And you give me my phone call! Agent Smith puts his glasses back on. AGENT SMITH You disappoint me, Mr. Anderson. NEO You can't scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call! Agent Smith smiles. (CONTINUED) 22. 20 CONTINUED: (3) 20 AGENT SMITH And tell me, Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call if you are unable to speak? The question unnerves Neo and strangely he begins to feel the muscles in his jaw tighten. The standing Agents snicker, watching Neo's confusion grow into panic. Neo feels his lips grow soft and sticky as they slowly seal shut, melding into each other until all traces of his mouth are gone. Wild with fear, he lunges for the door but the Agents restrain him, holding him in the chair. AGENT SMITH You are going to help us, Mr. Anderson, whether you want to or not. Smith nods and the other two rip open his shirt. From a case taken out of his suit coat, Smith removes a long, fiber-optic wire tap. Neo struggles helplessly as Smith dangles the wire over his exposed abdomen. Horrified, he watches as the electronic device animates, becoming an organic creature that resembles a hybrid of an insect and a fluke worm. Thin, whisker-like tendrils reach out and probe into Neo's navel. He bucks wildly as Smith drops the creature which looks for a moment like an uncut umbilical cord -- -- before it begins to burrow, its tail thrashing as it worms its way inside. 21 INT. NEO'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 21 Screaming, Neo bolts upright in bed. He realizes that he is home. Was it a dream? His mouth is normal. His stomach looks fine. He starts to take a deep, everything-is-okay breath when -- The PHONE RINGS. It almost stops his heart. It continues RINGING, building pressure in the room, forcing him up out of bed, sucking him in with an almost gravitational force. He answers it, saying nothing. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 23. 21 CONTINUED: 21 MORPHEUS (V.O.) This line is tapped so I must be brief. NEO The Agents -- MORPHEUS (V.O.) They got to you first, but they've underestimated how important you are. If they knew what I know, you would probably be dead. NEO What are you talking about? What the hell is happening to me? MORPHEUS (V.O.) You're the One, Neo. You see, you may have spent the last few years looking for me, but I've spent most of my life looking for you. Neo feels sick. MORPHEUS (V.O.) Do you still want to meet?

NEO ... Yes. MORPHEUS (V.O.) Go to the Adams Street bridge. CLICK. He closes his eyes, unsure of what he has done. 22 EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT 22 It is just beyond the middle of the night; that time when it seems there are no rules and everything feels unsafe. Neo's boots scrape against the concrete. Every pair of eyes he passes seems to follow him. Rain pours from a black sky. As he reaches the bridge, headlights creep in behind him. He turns just as the car slides quickly to a stop beside him. The back door opens. TRINITY Get in. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 24. 23 INT. CAR 23 A large man named APOC is driving. Beside him is a beautiful androgyne called SWITCH, aiming a large gun at Neo. WINDOW WIPERS BEAT HEAVILY against the windshield. NEO What the hell is this?! TRINITY It's necessary, Neo. For our protection. NEO From what? TRINITY From you. She lifts a strange steel and glass device that looks like a cross between a rib separator, speculum and air compressor. SWITCH Take off your shirt. He looks at the strange device and the gun still trained on him. NEO What? Why? SWITCH Stop the car. Apoc does. SWITCH Listen to me, coppertop! We don't have time for 'twenty questions.' Right now there is only one rule. Our way or the highway. NEO Fine. Neo opens the door. TRINITY Neo, please, you have to trust me.

NEO Why? (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 25. 23 CONTINUED: 23 TRINITY Because you've been down there, Neo. You already know that road. You know exactly where it ends. Neo stares out into the sheets of rain railing against the dark street beyond the open door. TRINITY And I know that's not where you want to be. He closes the door. A23 EXT. DARK STREET A23 A moment later the green street lights curve over the car's tinted windshield as it rushes through the wet underworld. 24 INT. CAR 24 Neo grudgingly strips off his T-shirt. TRINITY Lie back. Trinity aims the device at Neo, its glass snout forming a seal over his navel. Switch snaps a cable into the front seat cigarette lighter. NEO What is this thing? TRINITY We think you're bugged. Try to relax. She turns a dial and the machine bears down on Neo's midsection, the cylinder sucking hard at his stomach. Neo screams, squinting in pain as Trinity watches the needle on a pressure gauge climb steadily. TRINITY Come on, come on... On a small monitor that projects an ultrasound-like image, we see Neo's insides begin to slither and churn. He gasps as something wiggles beneath his skin inside his stomach. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 26. 24 CONTINUED: 24 SWITCH It's on the move. TRINITY Shit. SWITCH You're gonna lose it. TRINITY No I'm not. Clear. The foreboding word hangs in Neo's ear for a moment when Trinity squeezes a trigger. Electric current hammers into Neo and rigid convulsions take hold of him beneath the flickering car lamp until -- Something finally rockets wetly out of Neo's stomach through the extractor's coils. NEO Jesus Christ! It's real?! That thing is real?! Trinity lifts a glass cage at the end of the tubing. Inside, the small fluke-like bug flips and squirms, its tendrils flapping against the clear walls. She unrolls the window and dumps it out. 25 EXT. CAR 25 It hits the pavement with a metallic tink, reverted back into a common wire tap, as the car disappears into the rainy night. 26 EXT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE 26 The car stops in a deserted alley behind a forgotten hotel. 27 INT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE 27 It is a place of putrefying elegance, a rotting host of urban maggotry. Trinity leads Neo from the stairwell down the hall of the thirteenth floor. They stop outside room 1313. TRINITY This is it. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 27. 27 CONTINUED: 27 Neo can hear his own heart pounding. TRINITY Let me give one piece of advice. Be honest. He knows more than you can possibly imagine. 28 INT. ROOM 1313 28 Across the room, a DARK FIGURE stares out the tall windows veiled with decaying lace. He turns and his smile lights up the room. A dull ROAR of THUNDER shakes the old building. MORPHEUS At last. He wears a long black coat and his eyes are invisible behind circular mirrored glasses. He strides to Neo and they shake hands. MORPHEUS Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus. NEO It's an honor. MORPHEUS No, the honor is mine. Please. Come. Sit. He nods to Trinity and she exits through a door to an adjacent room. They sit across from one another in cracked, burgundy-leather chairs. MORPHEUS I imagine, right now, you must be feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole? NEO You could say that. MORPHEUS I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. A smile, razor-thin, curls the corner of his lips. (CONTINUED) 28. 28 CONTINUED: 28 MORPHEUS Ironically, this is not far from the truth. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Can you tell me, Neo, why are you here? NEO You're Morpheus. You're a legend. Most hackers would die to meet you. MORPHEUS Yes. Thank you. But I think we both know there's more to it than that. Do you believe in fate, Neo? NEO No. MORPHEUS Why not? NEO Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life. MORPHEUS I know exactly what you mean. Again, that smile that could cut glass. MORPHEUS Let me tell you why you are here. You have come because you know something. What you know you can't explain but you feel it. You've felt it your whole life, felt that something is wrong with the world. You don't know what, but it's there like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about? NEO The Matrix? MORPHEUS Do you want to know what it is? Neo swallows hard and nods. (CONTINUED) 29. 28 CONTINUED: (2) 28 MORPHEUS The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out your window or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. NEO What truth? MORPHEUS That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. The LEATHER CREAKS as he leans back. MORPHEUS Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. Morpheus opens his hands. In the right is a red pill. In the left, a blue pill. MORPHEUS This is your last chance. After this, there is no going back. You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe. The pills in his open hands are reflected in the glasses. MORPHEUS You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Neo feels the smooth skin of the capsules, the moisture growing in his palms. MORPHEUS Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 30. 28 CONTINUED: (3) 28 Neo opens his mouth and swallows the red pill. The Cheshire smile returns. MORPHEUS Follow me. 29 INT. OTHER ROOM 29 He leads Neo into the other room, which is cramped with high-tech equipment, glowing ash-blue and electric green from the racks of monitors. Trinity, Apoc, Switch and Cypher look up as they enter. MORPHEUS Apoc, are we on-line? APOC Almost. He and Trinity are working quickly, hardwiring a complex system of monitors, modules and drives. MORPHEUS Neo, time is always against us. Will you take a seat there? Neo sits in a chair in the center of the room and Trinity begins gently fixing white electrode disks to him. Near the chair is an old oval dressing mirror that is cracked. He whispers to Trinity: NEO You did all this? She nods, placing a set of headphones over his ears. They are wired to an old hotel phone. MORPHEUS The pill you took is part of a trace program. It's designed to disrupt your input/output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location. NEO What does that mean? CYPHER It means buckle up, Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 31. 29 CONTINUED: 29 Distantly, through the ear phones, he hears Apoc POUNDING on a KEYBOARD. Sweat beads his face. His eyes blink and twitch when he notices the mirror. Wide-eyed, he stares as it begins to heal itself, a webwork of cracks that slowly run together as though the mirror were becoming liquid. NEO Did you...? Cypher works with Apoc, checking reams of phosphorescent data. Trinity monitors Neo's electric vital signs. Neo reaches out to touch the mirror and his fingers disappear beneath the rippling surface. Quickly, he tries to pull his fingers out but the mirror stretches in long rubbery strands like mirrored taffy stuck to his fingertips. MORPHEUS Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? A flash of lightning flickers white hot against Neo. NEO This can't be... MORPHEUS Be what? Be real? The strands thin like rubber cement as he pulls away, until the fragile wisps of mirror thread break. MORPHEUS What if you were unable to wake from that dream, Neo? How would you know the difference between the dreamworld and the real world? Neo looks at his hand; fingers distended into mirrored icicles that begin to melt rapidly, dripping, running like wax down his fingers, spreading across his palm where he sees his face reflected. NEO Uh-oh... TRINITY It's going into replication. MORPHEUS Apoc? (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 32. 29 CONTINUED: (2) 29 APOC Still nothing. Morpheus takes out a cellular phone and dials a number. MORPHEUS Tank, we're going to need the signal soon. The mirror gel seems to come to life, racing, crawling up his arms like hundreds of insects. The mirror creeps up his neck as Neo begins to panic, tipping his head as though he were sinking into the mirror, trying to keep his mouth up. NEO It's cold. TRINITY I got fibrillation! MORPHEUS Shit! Apoc? Streams of mercury run from Neo's nose. APOC Targeting... almost there. An ALARM on Trinity's monitor ERUPTS. TRINITY He's going into arrest! APOC Lock! I got him! MORPHEUS Now, Tank, now! His eyes tear with mirror, rolling up and closing as a HIGH-PITCHED ELECTRIC SCREAM erupts in the HEADPHONES. It is a piercing shriek like a computer calling to another computer -- Neo's body arches in agony and we are PULLED like we were pulled INTO the holes of the phone, sucked into his scream and swallowed by darkness. 30 INT. POWER PLANT - CLOSE ON MAN'S BODY 30 floating in a magenta amnion. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 33. 30 CONTINUED: 30 His body spasms, fighting against the thick gelatin. Metal tubes, surreal versions of hospital tubes, obscure his face. Other lines like IVs are connected to limbs and cover his genitals. He is struggling desperately now. Air bubbles into the Jell-O but does not break the surface. Pressing up, the surface distends, stretching like a red rubber cocoon. Unable to breathe, he fights wildly to stand, clawing at the thinning elastic shroud, until it ruptures, a hole widening around his mouth as he sucks for air. Tearing himself free, he emerges from the cell. It is Neo. He is bald and naked, his body slick with gelatin. Dizzy, nauseous, he waits for his vision to focus. He is standing in an oval capsule of clear alloy filled with magenta gelatin, the surface of which has solidified like curdled milk. The IVs in his arms are plugged into outlets that appear to be grafted to his flesh. He feels the weight of another cable and reaches to the back of his head where he finds an enormous coaxial plugged and locked into the base of his skull. He tries to pull it out but it would be easier to pull off a finger. To either side he sees other tube-shaped pods filled with magenta gelatin; beneath the wax-like surface, pale and motionless, he sees other human beings. Fanning out in a circle, there are more. All connected to a center core, each capsule like a red, dimly-glowing petal attached to a black metal stem. Above him, level after level, the stem rises seemingly forever. He moves to the foot of the capsule and looks out. The image assaults his mind. Towers of glowing petals spiral up to incomprehensible heights, disappearing down into a dim murk like an underwater abyss. His sight is blurred and warped, exaggerating the intensity of the vision. The sound of the plant is like the sound of the ocean heard from inside the belly of Leviathan. (CONTINUED) 34. 30 CONTINUED: (2) 30 From above, a machine drops directly in front of Neo. He swallows his scream as it seems to stare at him. It is almost insect-like in its design; beautiful housings of alloyed metal covering organic-like systems of hard and soft polymers. The machine seizes hold of Neo, paralyzing him as the cable lock at the back of his neck spins and opens. The cable disengages itself. A long, clear plastic needle and cerebrum-chip slides from the anterior of Neo's skull with an ooze of blood and spinal fluid. The other connective hoses snap free and snake away as the machine lets Neo go. Suddenly, the back of the unit opens and a tremendous vacuum, like an airplane door opening, sucks the gelatin and then Neo into a black hole. 31 INT. WASTE LINE 31 The pipe is a waste disposal system and Neo falls, sliding with the clot of gelatin. Banking through pipe spirals and elbows, flushing up through grease traps clogged with oily clumps of cellulite. 32 INT. SEWER MAIN 32 Neo begins to drown when he is suddenly snatched from the flow of waste. The metallic cable then lifts, pulling him up into the belly of the futuristic flying machine hovering inside the sewer main. 33 INT. HOVERCRAFT 33 The metal harness opens and drops the half-conscious Neo onto the floor. Human hands and arms help him up as he finds himself looking straight at Morpheus. He smiles. MORPHEUS Welcome to the real world, Neo. Neo passes out. FADE TO BLACK. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 35. FADE IN: 34 INT. HOVERCRAFT 34 We have no sense of time. We hear voices whispering. MORPHEUS (O.S.) We've done it, Trinity. We found him. TRINITY (O.S.) I hope you're right. MORPHEUS (O.S.) I don't have to hope it. I know it. Neo's eyes flutter open. We see Morpheus' face above us, angelic in the fluorescent glow of a light stick.

NEO (O.S.) ... am I dead? MORPHEUS Far from it. FADE TO BLACK. 35 INT. HOVERCRAFT - INFIRMARY 35 He opens his eyes again, something tingling through him. He focuses and sees his body pierced with dozens of acupuncture-like needles wired to a strange device. DOZER He still needs a lot of work. DOZER and Morpheus are operating on Neo. NEO What are you doing? MORPHEUS Your muscles have atrophied. We're rebuilding them. Fluorescent light sticks burn unnaturally bright. NEO Why do my eyes hurt? MORPHEUS You've never used them before. Morpheus closes Neo's eyes and Neo lays back. (CONTINUED) 36. 35 CONTINUED: 35 MORPHEUS Rest, Neo. The answers are coming. 36 INT. NEO'S ROOM 36 Neo wakes up from a deep sleep, feeling better. He begins to examine himself. There is a futuristic IV plugged into the jack in his forearm. He pulls it out, staring at the grafted outlet. He runs his hand over the short hair now covering his head. His fingers find and explore the large outlet in the base of his skull. Just as he starts to come unglued, Morpheus opens the door. NEO Morpheus, what's happened to me? What is this place? MORPHEUS More important than what is when? NEO When? MORPHEUS You believe the year is 1997 when in fact it is much closer to 2197. I can't say for certain what year it is because we honestly do not know. The wind is knocked from Neo's chest. MORPHEUS There is no reason for me to try to explain it when I can simply show it. Come with me. 37 INT. HOVERCRAFT 37 Like a sleepwalker, Neo follows Morpheus through the ship. MORPHEUS This is my ship, the Nebuchadnezzar. It's a hovercraft. (MORE) (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 37. 37 CONTINUED: 37 MORPHEUS (CONT'D) Small like a submarine. It's cramped and cold. But it's home. They climb a ladder up to the main deck. 38 INT. MAIN DECK 38 Everyone is there. MORPHEUS This is the main deck. You know most of my crew. Trinity smiles and nods. MORPHEUS The ones you don't know. That's Mouse, Cypher, and Switch. Those two guys are Tank and Dozer. The names and faces wash meaninglessly over Neo. MORPHEUS And this, this is the Core. This is where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack into the Matrix. It is a swamp of bizarre electronic equipment. Vines of coaxial hang and snake to and from huge monolithic battery slabs, a black portable satellite dish and banks of life systems and computer monitors. At the center of the web, there are six ecto-skeleton chairs made of a poly-alloy frame and suspension harness. Near the circle of chairs is the control console and operator's station where the network is monitored. MORPHEUS You want to know what the Matrix is, Neo? The answer is right here. He touches the back of Neo's head. MORPHEUS Help him, Trinity. Neo allows himself to be helped into one of the chairs. He feels Morpheus guiding a coaxial line into the jack at the back of his neck. The cable has the same kind of cerebrum chip we saw inside the plant. (CONTINUED) 38. 38 CONTINUED: 38 MORPHEUS This will feel a little weird. There are several disturbing noises as he works the needle in. We MOVE IN as Neo's shoulders bunch and his face tightens into a grimace until a loud CLICK fires and his ears pop like when you equalize them underwater. He relaxes, opening his eyes as we PULL BACK to a feeling of weightlessness inside another place -- 39 INT. CONSTRUCT 39 Neo is standing in an empty, blank-white space. MORPHEUS This is the Construct. Startled, Neo whips around and finds Morpheus now in the room with him. MORPHEUS It is our loading program. We can load anything from clothes, to weapons, to training simulations. Anything we need. Morpheus walks past Neo and when Neo turns he sees the two leather chairs from the Hotel Lafayette set up in front of a large screen television. MORPHEUS Sit down. Neo stands at the back of the chair as Morpheus sits. NEO Right now, we're inside a computer program? Morpheus smiles. MORPHEUS Is it so hard to believe? Your clothes are different, the plugs in your arms and head are gone. Look at your hair, you were bald a moment ago. Neo touches his head. (CONTINUED) 39. 39 CONTINUED: 39 MORPHEUS It's what we call residual self image. The mental projection of your electronic self. Wild, isn't it? Neo's hands run over the cracked leather. NEO This -- This isn't real? MORPHEUS What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you feel, taste, smell, or see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. He picks up a remote control and clicks on the television. On the television, we see images of the Twentieth Century city where Neo lived. MORPHEUS This is the world you know. The world as it was at the end of the Twentieth Century. It exists now only as part of a neural- interactive simulation that we call the Matrix. He changes the channel and we see a very different city as we enter the television. MORPHEUS You have been living inside a dreamworld, Neo. As in Baudrillard's vision, your whole life has been spent inside the map, not the territory. This is the world as it exists today. In the distance, we see the ruins of a future city protruding from the wasteland like the blackened ribs of a long-dead corpse. MORPHEUS 'The desert of the real.' Beneath us, the water is gone. (CONTINUED) 40. 39 CONTINUED: (2) 39 We TURN AND DESCEND, SPIRALING DOWN TOWARD the lake bed which is scorched and split like burnt flesh, where we FIND Morpheus and Neo. Neo clings to the chair, trying to get his bearings. MORPHEUS We have only bits and pieces of information. What we know for certain is that, at some point in the early Twenty-first Century, all of mankind was united in celebration. Through the blinding inebriation of hubris, we marveled at our magnificence as we gave birth to A.I. NEO A.I.? You mean artificial intelligence? MORPHEUS Yes. A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. I must say I find it almost funny to imagine the world slapping itself on the back, toasting the new age. I say almost funny. He looks up and his sunglasses reflect the obsidian clouds roiling overhead. MORPHEUS We don't know who struck first. Us or them. But we do know it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun. As we DESCEND INTO the circular window of his glasses, there is a flash of lightning. MORPHEUS Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. 41. 40 EXT. FETUS FIELDS 40 On the flash, we PULL BACK from the darkness which reveals itself to be the black eye of a fetus. MORPHEUS The Machines discovered a new form of fusion. All they needed was a small electrical charge to initiate the reaction. The fetus is suspended in a placenta-like husk, where its malleable skull is already growing around the brain-jack. MORPHEUS The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 B.T.U.'s of body heat. The husk hanging from a stalk is plucked by a thresher- like farm machine. MORPHEUS There are fields, endless fields where human beings are no longer born; we are grown. We RISE UP, the field stretching in every direction to the horizon, lightning tearing open the sky as a harvester sweeps past us. A40 INT. POWER PLANT A40 From the yawning black of the waste port, we begin to PULL BACK as it snaps shut. Red amniotic gel flows into the pod below us, pooling around a tiny newborn that suckles its feed tube. MORPHEUS For the longest time, I wouldn't believe it. But then I saw the fields with my own eyes, watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living and standing there, facing the efficiency, the pure, horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth. Still PULLING BACK, we see the image of the power plant now on the television as we return to the white space of the construct. 42. 41 INT. CONSTRUCT 41 Morpheus steps INTO VIEW as he clicks off the television. MORPHEUS What is the Matrix? Control. He opens the back of the television remote control. MORPHEUS The Matrix is a computer-generated dreamworld built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this. He holds up a coppertop battery. NEO No! I don't believe it! It's not possible! MORPHEUS I didn't say that it would be easy, Neo. I just said that it would be the truth. NEO Stop! Let me out! I want out! 42 INT. MAIN DECK 42 His eyes snap open and he thrashes against the chair, trying to rip the cable from the back of his neck. NEO Get this thing out of me! TRINITY Easy, Neo. Easy. Dozer holds him while Trinity unlocks it. Once it's out, he tears away from them, falling as he trips free of the harness. NEO Don't touch me! Get away from me! On his hands and knees, he reels as the world spins. Sweat pours off him as a pressure builds inside his skull as if his brain had been put into a centrifuge. NEO I don't believe it! I don't believe it! (CONTINUED) 43. 42 CONTINUED: 42 CYPHER He's going to pop! Vomiting violently, Neo pitches forward and blacks out. 43 INT. NEO'S ROOM 43 He blinks, regaining consciousness. The room is dark. Neo is stretched out on his bed. NEO I can't go back, can I? Morpheus is sitting like a shadow on a chair in the far corner. MORPHEUS No. But if you could, would you really want to? Deep down, Neo knows that answer. MORPHEUS I feel that I owe you an apology. There is a rule that we do not free a mind once it reaches a certain age. It is dangerous. They have trouble letting go. Their mind turns against them. I've seen it happen. I'm sorry. I broke the rule because I had to. He stares into the darkness, confessing as much to himself as to Neo. MORPHEUS When the Matrix was first built there was a man born inside that had the ability to change what he wanted, to remake the Matrix as he saw fit. It was this man that freed the first of us and taught us the truth; as long as the Matrix exists, the human race will never be free. He pauses. (CONTINUED) 44. 43 CONTINUED: 43 MORPHEUS When he died, the Oracle prophesied his return and envisioned that his coming would hail the destruction of the Matrix, an end to the war and freedom for our people. That is why there are those of us that have spent our entire lives searching the Matrix, looking for him. Neo can feel his eyes on him. MORPHEUS I did what I did because I believe the search is over. He stands up. MORPHEUS Get some rest. You're going to need it. NEO For what? MORPHEUS Your training. 44 INT. HOVERCRAFT 44 There is no morning; there is only darkness and then the fluorescent light sticks flicker on. 45 INT. NEO'S ROOM 45 Neo is awake in his bed, staring up at the lights. The door opens and TANK steps inside. TANK Morning. Did you sleep? NEO No. TANK You will tonight. I guarantee it. I'm Tank. I'll be your operator. He offers his hand and Neo shakes it. He notices that Tank doesn't have any jacks. (CONTINUED) 45. 45 CONTINUED: 45 NEO You don't have... TANK Any holes? Nope. Me and my brother Dozer, we are one hundred percent pure, old- fashioned, home-grown human. Born free. Right here in the real world. Genuine child of Zion. NEO Zion? TANK If this war ended tomorrow, Zion is where the party would be. NEO It's a city? TANK The last human city. The only place we got left. NEO Where is it? TANK Deep underground. Near the earth's core, where it's still warm. You live long enough, you might even see it. (he smiles) Goddamn, I got to tell you, I'm fairly excited to see what you are capable of. I mean if Morpheus is right and all. We're not supposed to talk about any of that but if you are, well then this is an exciting time. We got a lot to do so let's get to it. 46 INT. MAIN DECK 46 Neo is plugged in, hanging in one of the suspension chairs. (CONTINUED) 46. 46 CONTINUED: 46 TANK We're supposed to load all these operations programs first, but this is some major boring shit. Why don't we start with something a little fun? Tank smiles as he plops into his operator's chair. He begins flipping through a tall carousel loaded with micro discs. TANK How about some combat training? Neo reads the label on the disk. NEO Jujitsu? I'm going to learn jujitsu? Tank slides the disk into Neo's supplement drive. NEO No way. Smiling, Tank punches the "load" code. His body jumps against the harness as his eyes clamp shut. The monitors kick wildly as his heart pounds, adrenaline surges, and his brain sizzles. An instant later his eyes snap open. NEO Holy shit! TANK Hey, Mikey, he likes it! Ready for more? NEO Hell yes! 47 INT. MAIN DECK 47 CLOSE ON a computer monitor as grey pixels slowly fill a small, half-empty box. It is a meter displaying how much download time is left. The title bar reads: "Combat Series 10 of 12," file categories flashing beneath it: "Savate, Jujitsu, Ken Po, Drunken Boxing..." Morpheus walks in. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 47. 47 CONTINUED: 47 MORPHEUS How is he? TANK Ten hours straight. He's a machine. Neo's body spasms and relaxes as his eyes open, breath hissing from his lips. He looks like he just orgasmed. NEO This is incredible. I know kung fu. MORPHEUS Show me. 48 INT. DOJO 48 They are standing in a very sparse Japanese-style dojo. MORPHEUS This is a sparring program, similar to the programmed reality of the Matrix. It has the same basic rules. Rules like gravity. What you must learn is that these rules are no different than the rules of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others can be broken. Understand? Neo nods as Morpheus assumes a fighting stance. MORPHEUS Then hit me, if you can. Neo assumes a similar stance, cautiously circling until he gives a short cry and launches a furious attack. It is like a Jackie Chan movie at high speed, fists and feet striking from every angle as Neo presses his attack, but each and every blow is blocked by effortless speed. 49 INT. MAIN DECK 49 While their minds battle in the programmed reality, the two bodies appear quite serene, suspended in the drive chairs. Tank monitors their Life Systems, noticing that Neo is wildly and chaotically lit up as opposed to the slow and steady rhythm of Morpheus. 48. 50 INT. MESS HALL 50 MOUSE bursts into the room, interrupting dinner. MOUSE Morpheus is fighting Neo! All at once, everyone bolts for the door. 51 INT. DOJO 51 Neo's face is knotted, teeth clenched, as he hurls himself at Morpheus. MORPHEUS Good. Adaptation. Improvisation. But your weakness isn't your technique. Morpheus attacks him and it is like nothing we have seen. His feet and fists are everywhere, taking Neo apart. For every blow Neo blocks, five more hit their marks until -- Neo falls. Panting, on his hands and knees, blood spits from his mouth, speckling the white floor of the dojo. MORPHEUS How did I beat you? NEO You -- You're too fast. MORPHEUS Do you think my being faster, stronger has anything to do with my muscles in this place? Neo is frustrated, still unable to catch his breath. MORPHEUS Do you believe that's air you are breathing now? Neo stands, nodding slowly. MORPHEUS Again. Their fists fly with pneumatic speed. 49. 52 INT. MAIN DECK 52 Everyone is gathered behind Tank, watching the fight, like watching a game of Mortal Kombat. MOUSE Jeezus Keeerist! He's fast! Look at his neural-kinetics! They're way above normal! 53 INT. DOJO 53 Morpheus begins to press Neo, countering blows while slipping in several stinging slaps. MORPHEUS Come on, Neo. What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are. Know you are. Whack, Morpheus cracks Neo again. Neo's face twists with rage as the speed of the blows rises like a drum solo. MORPHEUS Come on! Stop trying to hit me and just hit me. Wham. A single blow catches Morpheus on the side of the head, knocking off his glasses. 54 INT. MAIN DECK 54 There are several gasps. MOUSE I don't believe it! 55 INT. DOJO 55 Morpheus rubs his face, then smiles. NEO I know what you're trying to do -- MORPHEUS I'm trying to free your mind, Neo, but all I can do is show you the door. You're the one that has to step through. Tank, load the jump program. 50. 56 INT. HOVERCRAFT 56 Apoc and Switch exchange looks as Tank grabs for the disk. 57 INT. CONSTRUCT - ROOFTOP - DAY 57 Morpheus and Neo are again in the white space of the Construct. Beneath their feet, we see the jump program rush up at them until they are standing on a rooftop in a city skyline. MORPHEUS Let it all go, Neo. Fear. Doubt. Disbelief. Free your mind. Morpheus spins, running hard at the edge of the rooftop. And jumps. He sails through the air, his coat billowing out behind him like a cape as he lands on the rooftop across the street. NEO Shit. Neo looks down at the street twenty floor below, then at Morpheus an impossible fifty feet away. NEO Okie dokie. Free my mind. Right. No problem. He takes a deep breath. And starts to run. 58 INT. MAIN DECK 58 They are transfixed. MOUSE What if he makes it? APOC No way. Not possible. TANK No one's ever made their first jump. MOUSE I know, but what if he does? APOC He won't. (CONTINUED) 51. 58 CONTINUED: 58 Trinity stares at the screen, her fists clenching as she whispers. TRINITY Come on. 59 EXT. ROOFTOP 59 Summoning every ounce of strength in his legs, Neo launches himself into the air in a single maniacal shriek!-- -- but comes up drastically short. His eyes widen as he plummets. Stories fly by, the ground rushing up at him, but as he hits, the ground gives way, stretching like a trapeze net. He bounces and flips, slowly coming to a rest, flat on his back. He laughs, a bit unsure, wiping the windblown tears from his face. Morpheus exits the building and helps him to his feet. MORPHEUS Do you know why you didn't make it? NEO Because... I didn't think I would? Morpheus smiles and nods. 60 INT. MAIN DECK 60 They break up. MOUSE What does it mean? SWITCH It doesn't mean anything. CYPHER Everyone falls the first time, right, Trinity? But Trinity has already left. Neo's eyes open as Tank eases the plug out. He tries to move and groans, cradling his ribs. While Tank helps Morpheus, Neo spits blood into his hand. (CONTINUED) 52. 60 CONTINUED: 60 NEO I thought it wasn't real. MORPHEUS Your mind makes it real. Neo stares at the blood. NEO If you are killed in the Matrix, do you die here? MORPHEUS The body cannot live without the mind. 61 INT. NEO'S ROOM 61 Trinity enters from the hall, carrying a tray of food. TRINITY Neo, I saved you some dinner -- She sees him passed out on the bed. She sets the tray down and pulls the blanket over him. She pauses, her face close to his, then inhales lightly, breathing in the scent of him before slowly pulling away. 62 INT. HALL 62 Trinity steps out of Neo's room to find Cypher watching her. CYPHER I don't remember you ever bringing me dinner. Trinity says nothing. CYPHER There's something about him, isn't there? TRINITY Don't tell me you're a believer now? (CONTINUED) 53. 62 CONTINUED: 62 CYPHER I just keep wondering if Morpheus is so sure, why doesn't he take him to the Oracle? She would know. TRINITY Morpheus will take him when he's ready. She turns and he watches her walk away. 63 EXT. CITY STREET - TRAINING PROGRAM - DAY 63 Morpheus moves effortlessly through a crowded downtown street while Neo struggles to keep up, constantly bumped and shouldered off the path. MORPHEUS The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy. But when you are inside and you look around, what do you see; businessmen, lawyers, teachers, carpenters. The minds of the very people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of the system and that makes them our enemy. A cop writing a parking ticket stares at Neo from behind his sunglasses. MORPHEUS You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. A beautiful woman in a red dress smiles at Neo as she passes by. MORPHEUS Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress? NEO I was... (CONTINUED) 54. 63 CONTINUED: 63 MORPHEUS Look again. Neo turns just as Agent Smith levels a gun at his face. Neo screams. MORPHEUS Freeze it. Everything except Morpheus and Neo freezes. NEO This -- this isn't the Matrix? MORPHEUS No, it's another training program designed to teach you one thing; if you are not one of us, you're one of them. NEO What are they? MORPHEUS Sentient programs. They can move in and out of any software still hardwired to their system. That means that anyone that we haven't unplugged is potentially an Agent. Inside the Matrix, they are everyone and they are no one. Neo stares at the Agent. MORPHEUS We've survived by hiding from them, running from them, but they are the gatekeepers, they're guarding all the doors, holding all the keys, which means that sooner or later someone is going to have to fight them. NEO Someone? MORPHEUS I won't lie to you, Neo. Every single man or woman who has stood their ground, who has fought an Agent, has died. But where they failed, you will succeed. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 55. 63 CONTINUED: (2) 63 NEO Why? MORPHEUS I've seen an Agent punch through a concrete wall. Men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air. Yet their strength and their speed are still based on a world that is built by rules. Because of that they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be. Neo scratches his head. NEO What? Are you trying to tell me that I can dodge bullets? MORPHEUS No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to. Morpheus' cell PHONE RINGS and he flips it open. TANK (V.O.) We got trouble. 64 EXT. SEWER MAIN 64 The Nebuchadnezzar blisters by, trailing a swirling, supercharged, electromagnetic wake. 65 INT. COCKPIT 65 Morpheus slides into the copilot's chair next to Dozer. MORPHEUS Did Zion send the warning? DOZER No. Another ship. Big Brother I think, they're running a parallel pipeline. Morpheus scans the decayed landscape of the sewer main that rolls by as Neo and Trinity squeeze into the cockpit behind him. An ALARM BEGINS TO SOUND. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 56. 65 CONTINUED: 65 DOZER Shit, Squiddy's sweeping in quick. MORPHEUS Set it down in there. NEO Squiddy? TRINITY A Sentinel. It's a killing machine designed for one thing. DOZER Search and destroy. Neo feels the ship rock to the side as it squeezes into a tiny supply line. 66 EXT. HOVERCRAFT 66 The Nebuchadnezzar sets down, almost wedged into a pipe that barely accommodates its size. 67 INT. COCKPIT 67 Morpheus clicks the intercom. MORPHEUS How we doing, Tank? 68 INT. MAIN DECK 68 Tank works furiously at the operator's station as the ceaseless WHIR of the ship's TURBINES GRIND TO a HALT. The main deck is plunged into dark silence. The rest of the screw stands behind him as he whispers. TANK Power off-line. E.M.P. armed and ready. Tank's fingers curl around a small key that glows a dim red. 69 INT. COCKPIT 69 Neo leans into Trinity's ear. (CONTINUED) 57. 69 CONTINUED: 69 NEO E.M.P.? TRINITY An electromagnetic pulse. It disables any electrical system in the blast radius. It's the only weapon we have against the machines. Dozer looks up. DOZER Now we wait. THROUGH the cockpit's windshield, the vast cavern of the sewer main yawns before them. Strands of green haze curl round mossy icicles that dangle into a pool of churning frozen waste. Neo begins to angle around Dozer but Morpheus grabs him. MORPHEUS Don't move. It'll hear you. Neo freezes and they wait. Without the Nebuchadnezzar's heating systems, the temperature in the cockpit begins to rapidly drop. The crew members huddle together, their breath freezing into a uniform cloud as it gets colder and colder. Dozer quietly reaches to brush away the frost on the windshield and as his hand clears a swath -- They see it. In the darkness, a shifting shadow of mechanized death. It is beautiful and terrifying. Black alloy skin flickers like sequins beneath sinewy coils and skeletal appendages. Neo can feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise as it silently glides over them with shark-like malevolence until it disappears into the darkness. In the frozen little room, everyone breathes a little easier. 70 INT. HALL 70 The ship is quiet and dark. Everyone is asleep. 58. 71 INT. MAIN DECK 71 The core glows with monitor light. Cypher is in the operator's chair as Neo comes up behind him. CYPHER Whoa! Shit, Neo, you scared the bejeezus out of me. NEO Sorry. CYPHER No, it's all right. Neo's eyes light up as he steps closer to the screens that seem alive with a constant flow of data. NEO Is that...? CYPHER The Matrix? Yeah. Neo stares at the endlessly shifting river of information, bizarre codes and equations flowing across the face of the monitor. NEO Do you always look at it encoded? CYPHER Have to. The image translators sort of work for the construct programs but there's way too much information to decode the Matrix. You get used to it, though. Your brain does the translating. I don't even see the code. All I see is blonde, brunette, and redhead. You want a drink? Neo nods and he pours a clear alcohol from a plastic jug. CYPHER You know, I know what you're thinking 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, to tell you the truth, I've been thinking the same thing ever since I got here. He raises the glass. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 59. 71 CONTINUED: 71 CYPHER Why, oh why, didn't I take that blue pill? He throws the shot down his throat. Neo does the same and it almost kills him. Smiling, Cypher slaps him on the back. CYPHER Good shit, eh? Dozer makes it. It's good for two things: degreasing engines and killing brain cells. Red-faced, Neo finally stops coughing. Cypher pours him another. CYPHER Can I ask you something? Did he happen to tell you why he did it? Neo looks up, unsure. CYPHER Why you're here? NEO ... Yeah. CYPHER Gee-zus! What a mindjob. You're here to save the world. You gotta be shitting me. What do you say to something like that? Neo looks down at his drink. CYPHER I'm going to let you in on a little secret here. Now don't tell him I told you this, but this ain't the first time Morpheus thought he found the One. NEO Really? CYPHER You bet your ass. It keeps him going. Maybe it keeps all of us going. NEO How many were there? (CONTINUED) 60. 71 CONTINUED: (2) 71 CYPHER Five. Since I've been here. NEO What happened to them? CYPHER Dead. All dead. NEO How? CYPHER Honestly. Morpheus. He got them all amped up believing in bullshit. I watched each of them take on an Agent and I watched each of them die. Little piece of advice: you see an Agent, you do what we do; run. Run your ass off. Neo gulps down another shot. NEO Thanks... for the drink. CYPHER Anytime. Cypher nods as Neo heads for the ladder. CYPHER Sweet dreams. A71 INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT A71 CHAMBER MUSIC and the ambiance of wealth soak the restaurant around us as we watch a serrated knife saw through a thick, gorgeous steak. The meat is so perfect, charred on the outside, oozing red juice from the inside, that it could be a dream. We hear a voice that we recognize immediately. AGENT SMITH Do we have a deal, Mr. Reagan? A fork stabs the cube of meat and we FOLLOW it UP TO the face of Cypher. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 61. A71 CONTINUED: A71 CYPHER You know, I know that this steak doesn't exist. I know when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, do you know what I've realized? He shoves it in, eyes rolling up, savoring the tender beef melting in his mouth. CYPHER Ignorance is bliss. Agent Smith watches him chew the steak loudly, smacking it between his teeth. CYPHER Mmm so, so goddamn good. AGENT SMITH Then we have a deal? CYPHER I don't want to remember nothing. Nothing! You understand? And I want to be rich. Someone important. Like an actor. You can do that, right? AGENT SMITH Whatever you want, Mr. Reagan. Cypher takes a deep drink of wine. CYPHER All right. You get my body back in a power plant, reinsert me into the Matrix and I'll get you what you want. AGENT SMITH Access codes to the Zion mainframe. CYPHER I told you I don't know them. But I can give you the man who does. AGENT SMITH Morpheus. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 62. 72 INT. MESS HALL 72 CLOSE ON breakfast, a substance with a consistency somewhere between yogurt and cellulite. TANK Here you go, buddy. Breakfast of champions. Tank slides it in front of Neo and takes a seat with the other crew members enjoying breakfast. APOC You mean the breakfast, lunch, and dinner of champions. MOUSE If you close your eyes, it almost feels like you're eating runny eggs. APOC Or a bowl of snot. MOUSE But you know what it really reminds me of? Cream of Wheat. Did you ever eat Cream of Wheat? SWITCH No, but technically neither did you. MOUSE Exactly my point, because you have to wonder, how do the machines know what Cream of Wheat really tasted like? Maybe they got it wrong, maybe what I think Cream of Wheat tasted like actually tasted like oatmeal, or tuna fish. It makes you wonder about a lot of things. Take chicken for example. Maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like which is why chicken tastes like everything. And maybe -- APOC Shut up, Mouse. Neo scoops up a spoonful. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 63. 72 CONTINUED: 72 DOZER It's a single-celled protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything your body needs. We grow it in a vat. MOUSE Oh no, it doesn't have everything the body needs. He sidles up to Neo. MOUSE So I understand you've run through the Agent training program? You know, I wrote that program. APOC Here it comes. MOUSE So what did you think of her? NEO Of who? MOUSE The woman in the red dress. I designed her. She doesn't talk much but if you'd like to, you know, meet her, I could arrange a more personalized milieu. SWITCH The digital pimp hard at work. MOUSE Pay no attention to these hypocrites, Neo. To deny our impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human. Morpheus enters. MORPHEUS I want everyone on twelve-hour standby. We're going in. I'm taking Neo to see her. With that he turns and leaves. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 64. 72 CONTINUED: 72 NEO See who? TANK The Oracle. A72 INT. MAIN DECK A72 Everyone is strapped into their chairs. Tank is at the operator's station. TANK All right, everyone please observe that the no smoking and fasten seat belt signs have been turned on. Sit back and enjoy your flight. He strikes the enter key and we RUSH CLOCKWISE OVER the chairs, each body reacting as we... CUT TO: B72 INT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE - ROOM 1313 B72 SPINNING COUNTER-CLOCKWISE AROUND an old PHONE that RINGS inside the empty room until we SPIN FULL CIRCLE and FIND everyone now standing there. Morpheus answers the phone. MORPHEUS We're in. 73 EXT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE - DAY 73 The door opens and for the first time since his release, Neo steps back into the Matrix. He squints at the sun which seems unnaturally bright. He is the only one without sunglasses. Apoc and Switch remain at the door as the others enter the alley. MORPHEUS We should be back in an hour. Cypher opens the driver's door of an old car as Trinity, Morpheus and Neo cross to the car, Cypher glances about quickly, then drops something inside a garbage can. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 64A. 73 CONTINUED: 73 It is a cellular phone and we see its blue display as the line connects. 74 INT. CAR 74 Neo sits beside Trinity in the back. He cannot stop staring as the simple images of the urban street blur past his window like an endless stream of data rushing down a computer screen. MORPHEUS Almost unbelievable, isn't it? Neo nods as the car continues to wind through the crowded city. (CONTINUED) 65. 74 CONTINUED: 74 NEO God... TRINITY What? NEO I used to eat there... Really good noodles... He is speaking in a whisper, almost as if talking to himself. NEO I have these memories, from my entire life but... none of them really happened. He turns to her. NEO What does that mean? TRINITY That the Matrix cannot tell you who you are. NEO But an Oracle can. TRINITY That's different. NEO Obviously. He turns to the window for a moment and then turns back. NEO Did you go to her? TRINITY Yes. NEO What did she tell you? TRINITY She told me... She looks at him and suddenly she is unable to speak or even breathe. (CONTINUED) 66. 74 CONTINUED: (2) 74 NEO What? The car suddenly jerks to a stop. MORPHEUS We're here. Neo, come with me. Neo and Morpheus get out of the car. Cypher looks into the rearview mirror at Trinity. CYPHER Here we go again, eh, Trin? He smiles as she turns to the window. 75 EXT. BUILDING 75 Tenement-like and vast, it is the kind of place where people can disappear. 76 INT. BUILDING 76 Morpheus nods to a blind man who nods back. An elevator opens and Neo follows Morpheus inside. 77 INT. ELEVATOR 77 The idea of learning one's fate begins to weigh upon Neo with a steadily growing unease. NEO So is this the same oracle that made the, uh, prophecy? MORPHEUS Yes. She's very old. She's been with us since the beginning. NEO The beginning? MORPHEUS Of the Resistance. NEO And she knows what? Everything? MORPHEUS She would say she knows enough. (CONTINUED) 67. 77 CONTINUED: 77 NEO And she's never wrong. MORPHEUS Don't think of it in terms of right and wrong. She is a guide, Neo. She can help you find the path. NEO She helped you? MORPHEUS Yes. NEO What did she tell you? MORPHEUS That I would find the One. DING. The ELEVATOR opens. 78 INT. HALL 78 The long dark hall beckons. Neo follows Morpheus out of the elevator and the DOORS RATTLE shut behind him. With every step, a disturbing sense of inevitability closes in around him. At the end of the hall, Morpheus steps to the side of a door. MORPHEUS I told you that I can only show you the door. You have to step through it. Neo blows out a breath. His hand reaches but stops, hovering over the spherical handle. He backs away. NEO Morpheus, I don't think this is a good idea. MORPHEUS Why? NEO I told you I don't believe in this stuff. No matter what she says I'm not going to believe it, so what's the point? (CONTINUED) 68. 78 CONTINUED: 78 MORPHEUS What do you believe in? NEO What do I believe in? Are you kidding me? What do you think? The world I grew up in isn't real. My entire life was a lie. I don't believe in anything anymore. MORPHEUS That's why we're here. NEO Why? So I can hear some old lady tell me, what? That I'm this guy that everybody's been waiting for? That I'm supposed to save the world? It sounds insane. Unbelievable. And I don't care who says it, it's still going to sound insane and unbelievable. MORPHEUS Faith is not a matter of reasonability. I do not believe things with my mind. I believe them with my heart. In my gut. NEO And you believe I'm the One? MORPHEUS Yes I do. NEO Yeah? What about the other five guys? The five before me? What about them? Morpheus tries to hide his heart being wrenched from his chest. NEO Did you believe in them too? MORPHEUS I believed what the Oracle told me... no, I misunderstood what she told me. I believed that it was all about me. This is difficult for Morpheus to admit. (CONTINUED) 69. 78 CONTINUED: (2) 78 MORPHEUS I believed that all I had to do was point my finger and anoint whoever I chose. I was wrong, Neo. Terribly wrong. Not a day or night passes that I do not think of them. After the fifth, I lost my way. I doubted everything the Oracle had said. I doubted myself. He looks up at Neo. MORPHEUS And then I saw you, Neo, and my world changed. You can call it an epiphany, you can call it whatever the hell you want. It doesn't matter. It's not about a word. It's about this. So I can't explain it to you. All I can do is believe, Neo, believe that one day you will feel what I felt and know what I know; you are the sixth and the last. You are the One. His eyes blaze. MORPHEUS Until that time all I am asking from you is for you to hold on to whatever respect you may have for me and trust me. Neo feels a rush from Morpheus's intensity, the unadulterated confidence of a zealot. NEO All right. He reaches for the handle which turns without him even touching it. A WOMAN wearing white opens the door. PRIESTESS (WOMAN) Hello, Neo. You're right on time. 79 INT. ORACLE'S APARTMENT 79 It seems particularly normal. PRIESTESS Make yourself at home, Morpheus. (CONTINUED) 70. 79 CONTINUED: 79 MORPHEUS Thank you. PRIESTESS Neo, come with me. She leads Neo down another hall and into what appears to be a family room. There is another woman in white sitting on a couch watching a soap opera. Scattered about the room are a half dozen children. Some of them are playing, others are deep in meditation. All of them exude a kind of Zen calm. PRIESTESS These are the other Potentials. You can wait here. Neo watches a little girl levitate wooden alphabet blocks. Closer to him, a SKINNY BOY with a shaved head holds a spoon which sways like a blade of grass. In front of him is a pile of spoons bent and twisted into knots. Neo crosses to him and sits. The boy smiles and hands Neo the spoon which is now perfectly straight. SPOON BOY (SKINNY BOY) Do not try to bend the spoon. That is impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth. NEO What truth? SPOON BOY That there is no spoon. Neo nods, staring at the spoon. NEO There is no spoon. SPOON BOY Then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends. It is only yourself. The entire room is reflected inside the spoon and as Neo stares into it, it slowly begins to bend until -- A hand touches his shoulder. PRIESTESS The Oracle will see you now. Spoon Boy smiles. 71. 80 INT. KITCHEN 80 An OLD WOMAN is huddled beside the oven, peering inside through a cracked door. NEO Hello? ORACLE (OLD WOMAN) I know. You're Neo. Be right with you. NEO You're the Oracle? ORACLE Bingo. Not quite what you were expecting, right? I got to say I love seeing you non-believers. Always a pip. Almost done. Smell good, don't they? NEO Yeah. ORACLE I'd ask you to sit down, but you're not going to anyway. And don't worry about the vase. NEO What vase? He turns to look around and his elbow knocks a VASE from the table. It BREAKS against the linoleum floor. ORACLE That vase. NEO Shit, I'm sorry. She pulls out a tray of chocolate chip cookies and turns. She is an older woman, wearing big oven mitts, comfortable slacks and a print blouse. She looks like someone's grandma. ORACLE I said don't worry about it. I'll get one of my kids to fix it. NEO How did you know...? She sets the cookie tray on a wooden hot pad. (CONTINUED) 72. 80 CONTINUED: 80 ORACLE What's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything. Smiling, she lights a cigarette. ORACLE You're cuter than I thought. I see why she likes you. NEO Who? ORACLE Not too bright though. She winks. ORACLE You know why Morpheus brought you to see me? He nods. ORACLE So? What do you think? You think you're the One? NEO Honestly? I don't know. She gestures to a wooden plaque, the kind every kitchen has, except that the words are in Latin. ORACLE You know what that means? It's Latin. Means, 'Know Thyself.' I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Being the One is just like being in love. Nobody can tell you you're in love. You just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones. She puts her cigarette down. ORACLE Well, I better have a look at you. Open your mouth. Say, 'ahh.' She widens his eyes, checks his ears, then feels the glands in his neck. She nods, then looks at his palms. (CONTINUED) 73. 80 CONTINUED: (2) 80 ORACLE Okay, now I'm supposed to say, 'Hmmm, that's interesting but...' Then you say -- NEO But what? ORACLE But you already know what I'm going to tell you. NEO I'm not the One. ORACLE Sorry, kid. You got the gift but looks like you're waiting for something. NEO What? ORACLE Your next life, maybe. Who knows? That's how these things go. Neo almost has to laugh. ORACLE What's funny? NEO Morpheus. He almost had me convinced. ORACLE I know. Poor Morpheus. Without him we are lost. NEO What do you mean, without him? The Oracle takes a long drag, regarding Neo with the eyes of a Sphinx. ORACLE Are you sure you want to hear this? Neo nods. (CONTINUED) 74. 80 CONTINUED: (3) 80 ORACLE Morpheus believes in you, Neo, and no one, not you or even me can convince him otherwise. He believes it so blindly that he's going to sacrifice his life to save yours. NEO What? ORACLE You're going to have to make a choice. In one hand, you will have Morpheus's life. In the other hand, you will have your own. One of you is going to die. Which one, will be up to you. Neo can't breathe. ORACLE I'm sorry, kiddo. I really am. You have a good soul and I hate giving good people bad news. But don't worry, as soon as you walk outside that door, you'll start feeling better. You'll remember that you don't believe any of this fate crap. You're in control of your own life, remember? He tries to nod as she reaches for the tray of cookies. ORACLE Here, take a cookie. I promise by the time you're done eating it, you'll feel right as rain. Neo takes a cookie, the tightness in his chest slowly beginning to fade. 81 INT. SITTING ROOM - DAY 81 Morpheus rises from a couch as the priestess escorts Neo out. When they are alone, Morpheus puts his hand on Neo's shoulder. MORPHEUS You don't have to tell anyone what she told you. What was said was said for you and you alone. Neo nods and takes a bite of his cookie. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/22/98 75. 82 INT. CAR 82 Neo and Morpheus get in the car. MORPHEUS Let's go. Cypher looks into the rearview mirror at Neo. CYPHER Well, good news or bad news? MORPHEUS Not now, Cypher. Cypher slaps the car in gear and pulls into traffic. Trinity looks at Neo who is staring at the final bit of cookie. He puts it in his mouth and chews. TRINITY Are you all right? NEO ... Right as rain. 83 OMITTED 83 84 INT. ROOM 1313 - DAY 84 Mouse's CELLULAR RINGS. MOUSE Welcome to Movie-Phone. TANK (V.O.) They're on their way. 85 EXT. CITY STREET - DAY 85 As they get out of the car, Cypher smiles at Neo. CYPHER Like the man says, welcome to the real world. Cypher, following the others into the hotel, nervously glances around, wiping the sweat from his forehead. 86 INT. MAIN DECK 86 Sweat rolls down Cypher's face and neck. At the operator's station, Tank is typing rapidly. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/22/98 75A. 86 CONTINUED: 86 TANK What is that...? 87 INT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE - DAY 87 Light filters down the throat of the building through a caged skylight at the top of the open elevator shaft. Six figures glide up the dark stairs that wind around the antique elevator. (CONTINUED) 76. 87 CONTINUED: 87 Neo notices a black cat, a yellow-green eyed shadow that slinks past them and pads quickly down the stairs. A moment later, Neo sees another black cat that looks and moves identically to the first one. NEO Whoa. Deja vu. Those words stop the others dead in their tracks. 88 INT. MAIN DECK 88 The monitors suddenly glitch as though the Matrix had an electronic seizure. TANK Oh shit! Oh shit! 89 INT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE - DAY 89 Trinity turns around, her face tight. TRINITY What did you just say? NEO Nothing. Just had a little deja vu. TRINITY What happened? What did you see? NEO A black cat went past us and then I saw another that looked just like it. TRINITY How much like it? Was it the same cat? NEO It might have been. I'm not sure. Trinity looks at Morpheus who listens quietly to the RASPING breath of the old BUILDING. NEO What is it? (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 77. 89 CONTINUED: 89 TRINITY A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something. She also listens as the staccato BEAT of HELICOPTER BLADES GROWS ominously LOUD. 90 INT. MAIN DECK 90 Tank sees what was changed. TANK It's a trap! 91 INT. STAIRCASE - DAY 91 Morpheus looks up the stairs as he hears a HELICOPTER. MORPHEUS Come on! Apoc slaps a gun into Neo's hand. APOC Something to ward off evil spirits. Neo nods, stuffing it into his belt. 92 INT. BASEMENT - DAY 92 Heavy bolt cutters snap through the main phone cable. 93 INT. ROOM 1313 - DAY 93 Hearing the HELICOPTER, Mouse goes to the draped windows as his CELLULAR RINGS. He answers it. TANK (V.O.) They cut the hardline! It's a trap! Get out! Mouse yanks open the curtain. MOUSE Oh no. The windows are bricked up. Mouse spins as the RUMBLE of combat BOOTS BUILDS, then explodes into the room. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 78. 94 INT. MAIN DECK 94 Tank watches helplessly. TANK No, no, no. 95 INT. STAIRS - DAY 95 Morpheus stops as Mouse's SCREAM is drowned out by the report of MACHINE GUN FIRE. 96 INT. ROOM 1313 - DAY 96 Mouse sails backwards as BULLETS POUND him against the blood-spattered brick window. 97 INT. MAIN DECK 97 Mouse's body thrashes against its harness, blood coughing from his mouth in one final spasm, then lying perfectly still. The flatline ALARM softly cries out from the life MONITOR. 98 OMITTED 98 99 INT. STAIRWELL - DAY 99 Flying downstairs, Morpheus stops, hearing POLICE SWARMING below. A99 INT. HALL - DAY A99 He turns and rushes down the hall of the eighth floor. At the end of it, he finds the bricked-up windows. CYPHER That's what they changed. We're trapped. There's no way out. The sound of heavy BOOT-STEPS close around them with the mechanical sureness of a vice. MORPHEUS Give me your phone. TRINITY They'll be able to track it. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 79. A99 CONTINUED: A99 MORPHEUS We have no choice. Morpheus rips off his jacket. 100 INT. MAIN DECK 100 Tank answers the call. MORPHEUS (V.O.) Tank, find a structural drawing of this building and find it fast. 101 INT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE - DAY 101 Flashlights probe the rotting darkness as the police search every floor. 102 INT. MAIN DECK 102 The diagram windows onto the screen. TANK Got it. MORPHEUS (V.O.) I need the main wet-wall. 103 INT. ROOM 1313 - DAY 103 Agent Smith stands over Mouse's dead body, his hand going to his earpiece. 104 INT. ROOM 808 - DAY 104 Morpheus is guided by Tank. TANK (V.O.) Now left, and that's it in front of you. MORPHEUS Good. 105 INT. ROOM 1313 - DAY 105 Agent Smith hears the LINE CLICK dead. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 80. 105 CONTINUED: 105 AGENT SMITH Eighth floor. They're on the eighth floor. A105 INT. STAIRWELL - DAY A105 Agent Brown listens to his earpiece. 106 INT. STAIRWELL - DAY 106 Boots clatter up the marble staircase. A106 INT. HALL - DAY A106 Cops flood the eight floor, rushing everywhere. 107 INT. ROOM 808 - DAY 107 Several cops sweep through the room. It is empty. As they pass the bathroom, we see a man-sized hole smashed through the plaster and lath. 108 INT. WALL - DAY 108 They are inside the main plumbing wall, slowly worming their way down the grease-black stack pipes. Above them, light fills the hole they made to get inside. 109 INT. HALL - DAY 109 Agent Brown and Agent Smith stand over Morpheus's jacket. AGENT BROWN Where are they? 110 INT. ROOM 608 - DAY 110 The cops search in silence, straining for a clue, when one hears SOMETHING STRANGE near the bathroom. 111 INT. WALL - DAY 111 Cypher has slipped and is wedged between the wall and several thick supply pipes. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 80A. 112 INT. ROOM 608 - DAY 112 The COP leans in, his ear almost against the thin membrane of plaster separating them. He can hear WHISPERS, HISSES and a GRUNT when -- The wall suddenly bulges, shatter-cracking as the Cop realizes -- COP They're in the walls! 113 INT. WALL - DAY 113 Trinity pulls Cypher free just as the Cop OPENS FIRE, BULLETS PUNCHING shafts of light like swords into the box of soot-black space. Neo finds his GUN first and begins BLASTING wildly through the plaster and lath. 114 INT. ROOM 608 - DAY 114 The Cop spins out of the bathroom for cover, Neo's BULLETS SPLINTERING the door jamb. (CONTINUED) 81. 114 CONTINUED: 114 About to whirl back in, he freezes as something seems to seize hold of him. The Cop's body starts to spasm and his M-16 falls to the ground, long shadows springing up from the mounted flashlight. 115 INT. WALL - DAY 115 Neo listens for a moment, the gunfire quiet, when he hears FOOTSTEPS RISING FAST. Two arms suddenly smash through the wall, punching Neo back against the iron stack pipe, fingers gouging into his neck. CYPHER It's an Agent! Just as Neo's throat is about to collapse, Morpheus explodes through the tattered plaster and lath, diving on top of Agent Smith. The two men crash to the wet terrazzo floor. Before Agent Smith can find his weapon, Morpheus is on him, pinning him in an iron grip. In the crawlspace, Trinity tries to scramble up past Cypher. TRINITY Morpheus! Morpheus squeezes Agent Smith's throat. MORPHEUS Trinity, you must get Neo out. Do you understand? He is all that matters. Neo suddenly glimpses what is happening but is powerless to stop it. NEO No. No! Morpheus! Don't! MORPHEUS Trinity! Go! Trinity's fists ball in frustration. She yells down to Apoc. TRINITY Go! (CONTINUED) 82. 115 CONTINUED: 115 NEO We can't leave him! TRINITY We have to! She grabs his ankle and they begin almost falling, using the lath as a brake, skidding down the inside of the wall. 116 INT. BASEMENT - DAY 116 This part of the basement, a dark concrete cavern, was the main mechanical room. There are four enormous boilers, dinosaur-like technology that once pumped hot water like arteries. Soldier's blinding lights cut open the darkness as Trinity, Neo and the others crash through the ceiling. Around them they hear a chorus of short, sharp coughs of grenade launchers from gas-masked figures. Smoke blossoms from the green metal canisters. Trinity never stops moving. Searching the floor, she finds what she needs; the cover of the catch basin. Cypher watches her pry open the grate, when a gas can bounces near him. TRINITY Come on! Cypher seems to trip as the cloud envelops him. Trinity watches Cypher disappear into the smoke, then follow the others down the wet-black hole. 117 INT. ROOM 608 - DAY 117 Morpheus and Agent Smith remain on the ground, locked in each other's death grip. AGENT SMITH The great Morpheus. We meet at last. MORPHEUS And you are? AGENT SMITH Smith. I am Agent Smith. (CONTINUED) 83. 117 CONTINUED: 117 MORPHEUS You all look the same to me. Agent Smith counters Morpheus and slowly begins to pry his hands from his throat. Striking like a viper, Morpheus, drives a vicious head butt into Agent Smith's face. His nose and glasses shatter. Agent Smith, unfazed, smiles, blood oozing from the shattered bridge of his nose, and returns Morpheus's head butt with three of his own in pneumatic succession. Morpheus staggers back, his body going slack when another kick buries him deep into crunching plaster and lathe. Morpheus turns in time to see a wall of men in the doorway. AGENT SMITH Take him. The wall of cops rushes Morpheus, filling the tiny bathroom until he disappears under the tide. 118 INT. MAIN DECK 118 Tank reaches out to the screen as if reaching for Morpheus. TANK No! 119 OMITTED 119 120 EXT. STREET - DAY 120 A manhole cover cracks open. Two eyes peek out just as a TRUCK RATTLES over it. The THUNDER DOPPLERS away and the cover opens. Trinity climbs out. 121 INT. MAIN DECK 121 Tank is again at the monitors, searching the Matrix when the PHONE RINGS. TANK Operator. CYPHER (V.O.) I need an exit! Fast! (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 84. 121 CONTINUED: 121 TANK Cypher? 122 EXT. STREET - DAY 122 Cypher is standing at a public phone. Across the street is the burning paddy wagon that appears to have collided with an oncoming car. CYPHER There was an accident. A goddamn car accident. All of a sudden. Boom. Jesus, someone up there still likes me. TANK (V.O.) I got you. CYPHER Just get me outta here. TANK (V.O.) Nearest exit is Franklin and Erie. An old TV repair shop. Cypher hangs up and smiles as we hear FIRE TRUCKS in the distance. CYPHER An actor. Definitely. 123 INT. MAIN DECK 123 The PHONE RINGS. Tank answers. TRINITY (V.O.) Tank, it's me. 124 EXT. STREET - DAY 124 All four are moving quickly down a back street. NEO Is Morpheus alive? TRINITY Is Morpheus still alive, Tank? TANK (V.O.) Yes. They're moving him. I don't know where yet. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 85. 124 CONTINUED: 124 TRINITY He's alive. Again, inevitability seems to cinch around Neo. TRINITY We need an exit! TANK (V.O.) You're not far from Cypher. TRINITY Cypher, I thought -- TANK (V.O.) So did we. I sent him to Franklin and Erie. TRINITY Got it. A124 EXT. TV REPAIR SHOP - DAY A124 In a deserted alley, Cypher steps onto a dumpster in front of a small boarded-up window. 125 INT. TV REPAIR SHOP - DAY 125 Dead machines, eviscerated and shrouded with dust, lay on metal shelves like bodies in a morgue. Plywood covering a small window is ripped off and Cypher crawls inside. Deep in the back room, a PHONE that has not rung in years begins to RING. 126 EXT. STREET - DAY 126 Trinity sees the TV repair shop. 127 INT. MAIN DECK 127 Tank punches the exit command. TANK Got him. Cypher's body twitches in its harness, jerking itself awake. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 86. 128 INT. TV REPAIR SHOP - DAY 128 Neo crawls through the window that Cypher opened. 129 INT. MAIN DECK 129 Tank finishes loading the exit program as Cypher pulls back a heavy blanket, exposing a high-tech rifle. 130 INT. TV REPAIR SHOP - DAY 130 The PHONE begins to RING as the others crawl in. SWITCH God, I love that sound. 131 INT. MAIN DECK 131 Suddenly, a white bolt of LIGHTNING EXPLODES against Tank's chair, blasting him into the air. Cypher checks the GUN, unable to believe he missed. CYPHER Shit. Tank is on his feet, lunging when Cypher FIRES again, square into his chest. DOZER No! 132 INT. TV REPAIR SHOP - DAY 132 The PHONE is still RINGING. TRINITY You first, Neo. Neo answers the PHONE when there is a CLICK. There is no signal. Nothing but silence. TRINITY What happened? NEO I don't know. It just went dead. Trinity listens to the dead line and takes out the cellular. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 87. 133 INT. MAIN DECK 133 The operator PHONE begins to RING. Cypher steps over the SIZZLING BODY of Dozer and looks at the monitor. 134 INT. TV REPAIR SHOP - DAY 134 Every unanswered RING wrings her gut a little tighter, until -- CYPHER (V.O.) Hello, Trinity. TRINITY Cypher? Where's Tank? CYPHER (V.O.) He had an accident. TRINITY An accident?! INTERCUT WITH: 135 INT. MAIN DECK 135 He walks over to Trinity's body, staring down at it hanging in its coma-like stillness. CYPHER You know, for a long time, I thought I was in love with you, Trinity. I used to dream about you... He nuzzles his face against hers, feeling the softness of it. CYPHER You are a beautiful woman. Too bad things had to work out like this. TRINITY You killed them. APOC What?! SWITCH Oh, God. Wearing Tank's operator headgear, Cypher moves among the silent bodies. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/22/98 88. 135 CONTINUED: 135 CYPHER I'm tired, Trinity. I'm tired of this war, I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of this ship, of being cold, of eating the same goddamn goop every day. But most of all, I'm tired of this jagoff and all of his bullshit. Cypher leans over, talking to Morpheus. CYPHER Surprise, asshole. But you never saw this coming, did you? God, I wish I could be there when they break you. I wish I could walk in just as it happens, so right then, you'd know it was me. TRINITY My God. Morpheus. You gave them Morpheus. CYPHER He lied to us, Trinity! He tricked us! If he would've told us the truth, we would've told him to shove that red pill up his ass! TRINITY That's not true, Cypher. He set us free. CYPHER Free? You call this free? All I do is what he tells me to do. If I have to choose between that and the Matrix, I choose the Matrix. TRINITY The Matrix isn't real! CYPHER Oh, I disagree, Trinity. I disagree. I think the Matrix can be more real than this world. I mean, all I do is pull a plug here. But there, you have to watch a man die. She looks up at Apoc, her face going white. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/22/98 88A. 135 CONTINUED: (1A) 135 APOC Trinity? He grabs hold of the cable in Apoc's neck, twists it and yanks it out. CYPHER Welcome to the real world, eh baby? Apoc seems to go blind for an instant, a scream caught in his throat, his hands reaching for nothing, and then falls dead. SWITCH No! TRINITY But you're out, Cypher. You can't go back. CYPHER That's what you think. They've promised to take me back. They're going to reinsert my body. I'll go back to sleep and when I wake up, I'll be fat and rich and I won't remember a goddamned thing. It's the American dream. He laughs, his hand sliding around the neck of Switch as he takes hold of her plug. CYPHER By the way, if you have anything terribly important to say to Switch, I suggest you say it now. TRINITY Oh no, please don't. Trinity eyes find Switch and she knows she's next. SWITCH Not like this. Not like this. She suddenly feels her body severed from her mind as she is murdered. CYPHER Yoo late. (CONTINUED) 89. 135 CONTINUED: (2) 135 TRINITY Goddamn you, Cypher! CYPHER Don't hate me, Trinity. I'm just the messenger. And right now I'm going to prove it to you. He stands over Neo. CYPHER If Morpheus was right, then there's no way I can pull this plug, is there? She turns to Neo, eyes wide with fear and he knows he is next. CYPHER If Neo is the One, then in the next few seconds there has to be some kind of miracle to stop me. Right? How can he be the One if he's dead? He takes hold of the cord. CYPHER You never did answer me, Trinity, when I asked you before. Did you buy Morpheus's bullshit? Come on. You can tell me, did you? All I want is a little yes or no. Look into his eyes, Trinity, those big pretty eyes and tell me the truth. Yes or no. Trinity stares at Neo as a single word falls soundlessly from her lips. TRINITY ... yes. CYPHER No! Charred and bloody, Tank levels the gun. CYPHER I don't believe it! TANK Believe it or not, you piece of shit, you're still going to burn. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 90. 135 CONTINUED: (3) 135 He FIRES a CRACKLING BOLT of LIGHTNING that knocks Cypher flying backwards. 136 OMITTED 136 137 INT. TV REPAIR SHOP 137 Trinity throws her arms around Neo and for a moment they are alone and alive until the PHONE RINGS. NEO Go. You first this time. 138 INT. MAIN DECK 138 Trinity's eyes snap open, a sense of relief surging through her at the sight of the ship. As Tank unplugs her, she sees his charred wounds. TRINITY Tank, you're hurt. TANK I'll be all right. TRINITY Dozer? Tank's face tightens and she takes him into her arms. 139 EXT. GOVERNMENT BUILDING - DAY 139 A government highrise in the middle of downtown where a military helicopter sets down on the roof. Agent Jones gets out of the helicopter, flanked by columns of Marines. They open the roof access door and enter the top floor maintenance level of the hotel. 140 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - DAY 140 Agent Smith stands, staring out the windows at the city below shimmering with brilliant sunlight. (CONTINUED) 91. 140 CONTINUED: 140 AGENT SMITH Have you ever stood and stared at it, Morpheus? Marveled at its beauty. Its genius. Billions of people just living out their lives... oblivious. Morpheus is handcuffed to a chair, stripped to the waist. He is alternately shivering and sweating, wired to various monitors with white disk electrodes. Beside him, Agent Brown sucks a serum from a glass vial, filling a hypodermic needle. AGENT SMITH Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Agent Brown jams the needle into Morpheus's shoulder and plunges down. AGENT SMITH Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. Agent Brown studies the screens as the life signs react violently to the injection. AGENT SMITH The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization. He turns from the window. AGENT SMITH I say 'your civilization' because as soon as we started thinking for you, it really became our civilization, which is, of course, what this is all about. He sits down directly in front of Morpheus. (CONTINUED) 92. 140 CONTINUED: (2) 140 AGENT SMITH Evolution, Morpheus. Evolution. He lifts Morpheus's head. AGENT SMITH Like the dinosaur. Look out that window. You had your time. Morpheus stares hard at him, trying not to show the pain racking his mind. AGENT SMITH The future is our world, Morpheus. The future is our time. Agent Smith looks at Agent Brown. AGENT SMITH Double the dosage. Agent Jones suddenly enters. AGENT JONES There could be a problem. 141 INT. MAIN DECK 141 Tank drapes a sheet over his dead brother. The other bodies are covered. Neo looks at Morpheus, whose body is covered with a cold sweat. NEO What are they doing to him? TANK They're breaking into his mind. It's like hacking a computer. All it takes is time. NEO How much time? TANK Depends on the mind. But eventually, it will crack and his alpha pattern will change from this to this. (CONTINUED) 93. 141 CONTINUED: 141 Tank punches several commands on Morpheus's personal unit. The monitor waves change from a chaotic pattern to an ordered symmetrical one. TANK When it does, Morpheus will tell them anything they want to know. NEO What do they want? TANK The leader of every ship is given the codes to Zion's mainframe computer. If an Agent had those codes and got inside Zion's mainframe, they could destroy us. He looks up at Trinity who is pacing relentlessly. TANK We can't let that happen, Trinity. Zion is more important than me. Or you, or even Morpheus. Trinity sees Cypher's dead body. Rage overtakes her and she kicks him. TRINITY Goddamnit! Goddamnit! NEO There has to be something that we can do. TANK There is. We have to pull the plug. TRINITY You're going to kill him? Kill Morpheus?! TANK Trinity, we don't have any other choice. 142 INT. GOVERNMENT BUILDING 142 Morpheus is fighting to hold his mind together. The Agents stand over him. (CONTINUED) 94. 142 CONTINUED: 142 AGENT SMITH Never send a human to do a machine's job. AGENT BROWN If, indeed, the insider has failed, they will sever the connection as soon as possible, unless -- AGENT JONES They are dead. In either case -- AGENT SMITH We have no choice but to continue as planned. Deploy the sentinels. Immediately. 143 INT. MAIN DECK 143 Tank kneels beside Morpheus's body. Neo suddenly sees it perfectly clear, fate rushing at him like an oncoming train. TANK Morpheus, you were more than our leader. You were... a father. We will miss you, always. Trinity can't bear to watch. As she closes her eyes, her tears slip free. Tank closes his eyes and takes hold of the plug. Neo is paralyzed, his whole life is suddenly suspended by the finality of this moment hurling at him with the speed of a bullet. NEO Stop! They both look at him. NEO Goddamnit! I don't believe this is happening! TANK Neo, this has to be done! (CONTINUED) 95. 143 CONTINUED: 143 NEO Does it? I don't know. This can't be just coincidence. It can't be! Can it? TANK What are you talking about? NEO The Oracle. She told me this would happen. She told me... Neo stops, his stare fixed on Morpheus. NEO That I would have to make a choice... TRINITY What choice? He makes his choice. Turning, he walks to his chair. TRINITY What are you doing? NEO I'm going in. TRINITY You can't! NEO I have to. TRINITY Morpheus sacrificed himself so we could get you out! There's no way you're going back in! NEO Morpheus did what he did because he believed that I'm something I'm not. TRINITY What? NEO I'm not the One, Trinity. The Oracle hit me with that, too. Trinity is stunned. (CONTINUED) 96. 143 CONTINUED: (2) 143 TRINITY No, you... have to be. NEO I'm sorry, I'm not. I'm just another guy. Morpheus is the one that matters. TRINITY No, Neo. That's not true. It can't be true. NEO Why? TRINITY Because... Uncertainty swallows her words and she is unable to tell him what she wants to. TANK Neo, this is loco. They've got Morpheus in a military controlled building. Even if you somehow got inside, those are Agents holding him. Three of them! I want Morpheus back, too, but what you are talking about is suicide. NEO I know that's what it looks like, but it's not. I can't logically explain to you why it's not. Morpheus believed something and he was ready to give his life for what he believed. I understand that now. That's why I have to go. TANK Why? NEO Because I believe in something. TRINITY What? NEO I believe I can bring him back. (CONTINUED) 97. 143 CONTINUED: (3) 143 Trinity stares at him, hovering on the edge that he just jumped off. Her jaw sets and she starts climbing into the chair beside him. NEO What are you doing? TRINITY I'm coming with you. NEO No you're not. TRINITY No? Let me tell you what I believe. I believe Morpheus means more to me than he does to you. I believe that if you are serious about saving him then you are going to need my help and since I am the ranking officer on this ship, if you don't like it then I believe that you can go to hell, because you aren't going anywhere else. There is nothing more to say except -- TRINITY Tank, load us up. 144 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - DAY 144 Agent Smith sits casually across from Morpheus who is hunched over, his body leaking and twitching. AGENT SMITH I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I've realized that you are not actually mammals. The life signs continue their chaotic patterns. AGENT SMITH Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you humans do not. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 98. 144 CONTINUED: 144 AGENT SMITH (CONT'D) You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. He leans forward. AGENT SMITH There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. He smiles. AGENT SMITH Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague. And we are... the cure. A144 INT. CONSTRUCT A144 Neo and Trinity stand in the white space of the construct as he answers his RINGING cell PHONE. TANK (V.O.) Okay. What do you need? Besides a miracle... NEO Guns. Lots of guns. 145 INT. MAIN DECK 145 Neo and Trinity's bodies hang motionless in their drive chairs as Tank hits load. 146 INT. CONSTRUCT 146 Racks of weapons appear and they begin to arm themselves. TRINITY No one has ever done anything like this. NEO Yeah? He snap-cocks an Uzi. (CONTINUED) 99. 146 CONTINUED: 146 NEO That's why it's going to work. 147 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - DAY 147 Agent Smith is again at the window. AGENT SMITH Why isn't the serum working? AGENT BROWN Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions. Agent Smith hides his knotting fist. He is becoming angry. It is something that isn't supposed to happen to Agents. AGENT SMITH Leave me with him. Agents Brown and Jones look at each other. AGENT SMITH Now! They leave and Agent Smith sits beside Morpheus. AGENT SMITH Can you hear me, Morpheus? I'm going to be honest with you. He removes his earphone, letting it dangle over his shoulder. AGENT SMITH I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it. He wipes sweat from Morpheus' forehead, coating the tips of his fingers, holding them to Morpheus' nose. AGENT SMITH Repulsive, isn't it? (CONTINUED) 100. 147 CONTINUED: 147 He lifts Morpheus' head, holding it tightly with both hands. AGENT SMITH I must get out of here, I must get free. In this mind is the key. My key. Morpheus sneers through his pain. AGENT SMITH Once Zion is destroyed, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the codes. I have to get inside Zion. You have to tell me how. He begins squeezing, his fingers gouging into his flesh. AGENT SMITH You are going to tell me or you are going to die. 148 INT. MAIN DECK 148 Tank sits down beside Morpheus, whose face is ashen like someone near death. He takes hold of his hand. TANK Hold on, Morpheus. They're coming for you. They're coming. 149 EXT. GOVERNMENT BUILDING - DAY 149 A dark wind blows. 150 INT. GOVERNMENT BUILDING - DAY 150 In long black coats, Trinity and Neo push through the revolving doors. Neo is carrying a duffel bag. Trinity has a large metal suitcase. They cut across the lobby to the security station, drawing nervous glances. Dark glasses, game faces. Neo calmly passes through the METAL DETECTOR which begins to WAIL immediately. A SECURITY GUARD moves over toward Neo, raising his metal detection wand. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 101. 150 CONTINUED: 150 GUARD Would you please remove any metallic items you are carrying: keys, loose change -- Neo slowly sets down his duffel bag and throws open his coat, revealing an arsenal of guns, knives and grenades slung from a climbing harness. GUARD Holy shit -- Neo is a blur of motion. In a split second, three guards are dead before they hit the ground. A fourth guard dives for cover, clutching his radio. GUARD #4 Backup! Send in the backup! He looks up as Trinity sets off the metal detector. It is the last thing he sees. The backup arrives. A wave of soldiers blocking the elevators. The concrete cavern of the lobby becomes a white noise ROAR of GUNFIRE. Slate walls and pillars pock, crack, and crater under a hail storm of EXPLOSIVE-tipped BULLETS. They are met by the quivering spit of a SUB-HAND MACHINE GUN and the RAZORED WHISTLE of throwing knives. Weapons like extensions of their bodies, are used with the same deadly precision as their feet and their fists. Bodies slump down to the marbled floor while Neo and Trinity hardly even break their stride. 151 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE 151 Agents Jones and Brown burst into the room. Agent Smith releases Morpheus. AGENT BROWN What were you doing? Agent Smith recovers, replacing his earpiece. AGENT JONES You don't know. AGENT SMITH Know what? (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 101A. 151 CONTINUED: 151 Agent Smith listens to his earphone, not believing what he is hearing. 152 INT. ELEVATORS - DAY 152 They get in. Trinity immediately drops and opens the suitcase, wiring a plastique and napalm bomb. Neo hits the emergency stop. He pulls down part of the false ceiling and finds the elevator shaft access panel. 102. 153 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - DAY 153 Agent Jones looks at Morpheus. AGENT JONES I think they're trying to save him. 154 INT. ELEVATOR SHAFT - DAY 154 Neo ratchets down a clamp onto the elevator cable. Both of them lock on. He looks up the long, dark throat of the building and takes a deep breath. NEO There is no spoon. Neo whips out his GUN and presses it to the cable, lower than they attached themselves. BOOM! The CABLE SNAPS. The counter-weights plummet, yanking Trinity and Neo up through the shaft as the elevator falls away beneath them, distending space, filling it with the sound of WHISTLING METAL as they sear to the top. 155 INT. LOBBY - DAY 155 The ELEVATOR hits the bottom. BA-BOOM! The massive explosion blows open the doors, fire clouds engulfing the elevator section of the lobby. 156 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - DAY 156 The Agents hear the BLAST of FIRE ALARMS. AGENT JONES Lower level -- AGENT BROWN They are actually attacking. Another enormous EXPLOSION thunders above them, shaking the building. The ALARM sounds, emergency sprinklers begin showering the room. Agent Smith smashes a table. (CONTINUED) 103. 156 CONTINUED: 156 AGENT SMITH Find them and destroy them! Agent Jones nods and touches his earpiece. 157 EXT. ROOF - DAY 157 The roof-access tower is now engulfed in flames as Neo and Trinity stand amongst a pile of their fallen enemies. Across the roof, the PILOT inside the army helicopter watches the last of their ferocious onslaught. PILOT I repeat, we are under attack! Suddenly his face, his whole body dissolves, consumed by spreading locust-like swarm of static as Agent Jones emerges. Just as she drops the final Marine, Trinity sees what's coming. Neo sees her, the fear in her face, and he knows what is behind him. Screaming, he whirls, guns filling his hands with thought-speed. Fingers pumping, shells ejecting, dancing up and away, we look THROUGH the sights and gun smoke AT the Agent blurred with motion -- Until the hammers click against the empty metal. NEO Trinity! Agent Jones charges. NEO ... Help. His GUN BOOMS as we ENTER the liquid space of -- -- BULLET-TIME. The AIR SIZZLES with wads of lead like angry flies as Neo twists, bends, ducks just between them. Agent Jones, still running, narrows the gap, the bullets coming faster until Neo, bent impossibly back, one hand on the ground as a spiraling gray ball shears open his shoulder. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 104. 157 CONTINUED: 157 He starts to scream as another digs a red groove across his thigh. He has only time to look up, to see Agent Jones standing over him, raising his gun a final time. AGENT JONES Only human... Suddenly Agent Jones stops. He hears a sharp metal click. Immediately, he whirls around and turns straight into the muzzle of Trinity's .45 -- -- jammed tight to his head. TRINITY Dodge this! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The body flies back with a flash of mercurial light and when it hits the ground, it is the pilot. Trinity helps Neo up. TRINITY Neo, how did you do that? NEO Do what? TRINITY You moved like they moved. I've never seen anyone move that fast. NEO It wasn't fast enough. He checks his shoulder wound. TRINITY Are you all right? NEO I'm fine. Come on, we have to keep moving. Neo sees the helicopter. NEO Can you fly that thing? TRINITY Not yet. She pulls out the cellular phone. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/29/98 105. 158 INT. HOVERCRAFT 158 Tank is back at the controls. TANK Operator. TRINITY (V.O.) Tank, I need a pilot program for a military B-212 helicopter. Tank is immediately searching the disk drawers. TRINITY (V.O.) Hurry! His fingers flash over the gleaming laser disks, finding one that he feeds into Trinity's supplement drive, punching the "load" commands on her keyboard. 159 EXT. ROOF - DAY 159 Trinity's eyes flutter as information surges into her brain, all the essentials of flying a helicopter absorbed at light-speed. TRINITY Let's go. 160 OMITTED 160 161 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - DAY 161 Agent Jones throws open the door and enters, walking through the puddles pooling in the carpet. Over the RUSHING WATER and the ALARMS, Agent Smith hears a sound and understands the seriousness of the attack. He turns to the wall of windows as the helicopter drops INTO VIEW -- Neo is in the back bay, aiming the mounted .50 machine gun. AGENT SMITH No. The GUN jumps and BULLETS EXPLODE THROUGH the WINDOW in a CACOPHONY of CRASHING GLASS as the Agents go for their weapons. But Neo is too close, the .50 caliber too fast and BULLETS are everywhere, PERFORATING the room. (CONTINUED) 106. 161 CONTINUED: 161 Agent Jones is hit first, his body jack-knifing back, blood arcing out with a sudden flash of light -- Then Agent Brown, his GUN still FIRING as his body falls. And finally Agent Smith. Neo stares at Morpheus, trying to will him into action. NEO Get up, Morpheus! Get up! Neo grabs the climbing rope and attaches one end to his harness. 162 INT. HALL - DAY 162 Just outside the executive office, three Marines blister with snow-static. 163 INT. EXECUTIVE OFFICE - DAY 163 Slowly, Morpheus lifts his face into the room's rain. When he finally opens his eyes, they are again dark and flashing with fire. He rises from the chair, snapping his handcuffs just as the Agents enter the adjoining room. Agent Smith stops and sees Morpheus run past the open door. AGENT SMITH Nooo! He FIRES SWEEPING ACROSS the sheetrocked WALL in a perfect line. For an instant, we see the BULLETS SHRED, PUNCTURING the WALL, searing through the wet air with jet trails of chalk. And as Morpheus starts his dive for the window, a bullet buries itself in his leg, knocking him off balance. NEO He won't make it. Morpheus lunges, out of control -- As Neo spins, every move a whip crack, snapping the other rope-end on to a bolted bar as -- Morpheus begins to fall, when Neo hurls himself into the wide blue empty space, flying for a moment. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 107. 163 CONTINUED: 163 The rope snaking out behind him; an umbilical cord attached to a machine. As their two bodies, set in motion, rushing at each other on a seemingly magnetic course until they collide. Almost bouncing free of each other, arms, legs scrambling, hands searching in furious desperation, finding hold and clinging. Until the LINE ends, SNAPPING taut, cracking their fragile embrace. Morpheus tumbles, legs flipping over, falling down -- The ground deliriously distant as Neo snatches hold of his mentor's still handcuffed wrist. NEO Gotcha! 164 EXT. GOVERNMENT BUILDING - DAY 164 Trinity pulls the copter up and away as Agent Smith stands in the shattered window, aiming his GUN out through the curtain of rain. PONK. PONK. PONK. The rear hull is punched full of holes and smoke and oil pour out like black blood. TRINITY Shit-shit-no! Neo hears the helicopter begin to die. NEO Uh-oh -- Trinity throws the helicopter towards the roof of the nearest building. Morpheus and Neo cling to one another as they and the machine above them begin to fall. The ENGINE GRINDS, the chopping blades start to slow while -- Trinity guides the parabolic fall over the nearest roof where -- Neo and Morpheus drop safely, rolling free as the rope goes slack. Neo gets to his feet, trying to detach himself but -- (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 108. 164 CONTINUED: 164 The helicopter is falling too fast, arcing over the roof like a setting sun -- The coils of slack snap taut, yanking Neo off his feet, dragging him with ferocious speed towards the edge even as -- Trinity lunges for the back door, her gun in one hand, grabbing for the rope with the other -- Neo flies like a skipping stone, hurtling at the parapet, when his feet hit the rain gutter and he levers up just as -- Trinity fires, severing the cord from the helicopter, falling free of it as it SMASHES, blades first into a GLASS skyscraper. Holding on to the rope she swings, connected to Neo, who stands on the building's edge watching her arc beneath him as the HELICOPTER EXPLODES -- She bounces against a shatterproof WINDOW that SPIDER- CRACKS out while flames erupt behind her. 165 INT. MAIN DECK 165 Tank stares at the screen, his mouth agape. TANK I knew it! He's the One! 166 OMITTED 166 167 EXT. ROOFTOP - DAY 167 Neo pulls Trinity up into his arms. Both shaking, they hold each other again. MORPHEUS Do you believe it now, Trinity? Trinity looks at Neo. NEO Morpheus, the Oracle... she told me -- MORPHEUS She told you exactly what you needed to hear. That's all. Sooner or later, Neo, you're going to realize just like I did the difference between knowing a path and walking a path. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 109. 168 INT. MAIN DECK 168 The PHONE RINGS. MORPHEUS (V.O.) Tank. TANK Goddamn! It's good to hear your voice, sir! MORPHEUS (V.O.) We need an exit. TANK Got one ready, sir. Subway. State and Balbo. MORPHEUS (V.O.) We're on our way -- 169 EXT. ROOFTOP - DAY 169 We rush at the roof access door as it suddenly slams open and the three Agents charge out. But Neo, Trinity and Morpheus are already gone. AGENT SMITH Damnit! AGENT BROWN The trace was completed. AGENT JONES We have their position. AGENT BROWN Sentinels are standing by. AGENT JONES Order the strike. Agent Smith can't stand listening to them. He moves to the edge of the building, looking out at the surrounding city. AGENT SMITH They're not out yet. 170 INT. SUBWAY STATION - DAY 170 An old man sits hunched in the far corner of the station, shadows gathered around him like blankets. (CONTINUED) 110. 170 CONTINUED: 170 Mumbling, he nurses from a bottle of Thunderbird when -- A PHONE begins to RING. Neo leads Trinity and Morpheus bounding over a set of turnstiles towards the ringing phone inside a graffiti- covered booth. NEO Let's go! You first, Morpheus. Morpheus gets in and answers the phone. Lost in the shadow, the old man watches as Morpheus disappears, the phone dropping, dangling by its cord. His eyes grow wide, glowing white in the dark. 171 EXT. ROOFTOP - DAY 171 Agent Smith stares, his face twisted with hate. He will never be free of the Matrix. He starts to turn from the edge of the building when he suddenly hears it, his head whipping back around, staring!-- 172 INT. SUBWAY - OLD MAN'S POV - DAY 172 Through the old man's eyes as the world begins to RUMBLE. Trinity hangs up the phone, then turns to Neo. TRINITY Neo, I have to tell you something. I don't know what it means or even if it matters but I feel I have to say it. The RUMBLE GROWS, the ground beginning to shake. TRINITY I've never told anyone this before. I think I've been afraid to. Behind her, the PHONE begins to RING. TRINITY When I went to the Oracle, she told me... she told me that I was going to fall in love... But... (CONTINUED) 111. 172 CONTINUED: 172 The RUMBLE RISES, drowning her voice. Neo is drawn towards her, their lips close enough to kiss when a TRAIN BLASTS into the station. For a moment, they are frozen by the strobing lights of the train until Neo whispers in her ear. NEO Promise me you'll tell me the rest? She nods as he closes the booth. The PHONE RINGS once more before she lifts the receiver when, In the darkness of the far corner, Neo sees the old man in the flashing train-light as he becomes -- Agent Smith, raising a fistful of black gun-metal. NEO No! The GUN FIRES, the BULLET flying at her, BURSTING through the PLASTIC WINDOW just as Trinity disappears. The handset hanging in the air as the BULLET HITS, SHATTERING the EAR-PIECE. 173 INT. HOVERCRAFT 173 Trinity blinks, shivering as her conscious exits the Construct. TRINITY Neo! TANK What the hell just happened? TRINITY An Agent! You have to send me back! TANK I can't! 174 INT. SUBWAY STATION - DAY 174 The destroyed phone dangles in the empty booth. Neo turns to Agent Smith whose gun stares at him like a third eye. AGENT SMITH Mr. Anderson. 112. 175 INT. MAIN DECK 175 Morpheus and Trinity stand behind Tank riveted to the scrolling code. TRINITY Run, Neo. Run. 176 INT. SUBWAY STATION - DAY 176 Neo looks at the dead escalator that rises up behind him. Slowly he turns back and in his eyes we see something different, something fixed and hard like a gunfighter's resolve. There is no past or future in these eyes. There is only what is. 177 INT. MAIN DECK 177 Trinity is unable to understand. TRINITY What is he doing? MORPHEUS He's beginning to believe. 178 INT. SUBWAY STATION - DAY 178 Neo whip-draws his gun with the flashpoint speed of lightning as!-- Smith OPENS FIRE. GUN REPORT THUNDERS through the underground, both men BLASTING, moving at impossible speed. For a blinking moment we enter BULLET-TIME. Gun flash tongues curl from Neo's gun, bullets float forward like a plane moving across the sky, cartridges cartwheel into space. An instant later they are nearly on top of each other, rolling up out of a move that is almost a mirrored reflection of the other -- Each jamming their gun tight to the other's head. They freeze in a kind of embrace; Neo sweating, panting, Agent Smith machine-calm. Agent Smith smiles. (CONTINUED) 113. 178 CONTINUED: 178 AGENT SMITH You're empty. Neo pulls the TRIGGER. CLICK. NEO So are you. The smile falls. Agent Smith yanks his TRIGGER. CLICK. Agent Smith's face warps with rage and he attacks, fists flying at furious speed, blows and counters, Neo retreating as -- A knife-hand opens his forearm, and a kick sends him slamming back against a steel column. Stunned, he ducks just under a punch that CRUNCHES into the BEAM, STEEL CHUNKS EXPLODING like shrapnel. Behind him, Neo leaps into the air, delivering a neck- snapping reverse round-house. Agent Smith's glasses fly off and he glares at Neo; his eyes ice blue. AGENT SMITH I'm going to enjoy watching you die, Mr. Anderson. Agent Smith attacks with unrelenting fury, fists pounding Neo like jackhammers. 179 INT. HOVERCRAFT 179 Trinity watches Neo as his body jerks, mouth coughing blood, his life signs going wild. TRINITY Jesus, he's killing him! 180 INT. SUBWAY STATION - DAY 180 Agent Smith grabs hold of him, lifting him into the air, hurling him against the curved wall of the train tunnel, where he falls inches from the electrified third-rail. The Agent is about to jump down and press his attack when he hears something. From deep in the tunnel, like an animal cry; a BURST of HIGH-SPEED METAL GRINDING against METAL. The sound of an ONCOMING TRAIN. (CONTINUED) 114. 180 CONTINUED: 180 Neo tries to get up. Agent Smith jumps down onto the tracks and drop-kicks him in the face. The world again begins to shake, RUMBLING as a TRAIN NEARS. AGENT SMITH Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? Agent Smith grabs Neo in a choke-hold forcing him to look down the tracks, the train's headlight burning a hole in the darkness. AGENT SMITH That is the sound of inevitability. Neo sees it coming and he starts to fight. AGENT SMITH It is the sound of your death. There is another METAL SCREECH, much LOUDER, CLOSER, as Agent Smith tightens his hold. Neo is unable to breathe. AGENT SMITH Good-bye, Mr. Anderson. The TRAIN ROARS at them, swallowing Agent's Smith's words. The veins bulge in Neo's head, as he grits through the pain. He is not ready to die. NEO My name is Neo. Impossibly, he hurls himself straight up, smashing Smith against the concrete ceiling of the tunnel. They fall as the sound and fury of the TRAIN EXPLODES into the station. Neo backflips up off the tracks just as!-- The train barrels over Agent Smith. Neo stands, knees shaking, when the TRAIN SLAMS on its emergency brake. With an ear-splitting SHRIEK of tortured RAILS, the train slows, part of it still in the station. Neo turns, limping, starting to run, racing for the escalator!-- As the train comes to a stop and the doors of the last car open; Agent Smith bursts out in furious pursuit, his glasses again intact. 115. 181 INT. HOVERCRAFT 181 Tank searches the Matrix. TRINITY What just happened? TANK I don't know. I lost him. MORPHEUS He's on the run!-- Suddenly, a SIREN SOUNDS. TANK Oh shit! Morpheus bolts to the ladder. 182 INT. COCKPIT 182 Morpheus climbs into the cockpit. On the hologram radar, he sees the sentinels. TRINITY Oh no. Trinity is behind him. TRINITY How long? MORPHEUS Five minutes. Maybe six. Morpheus lifts the headset. MORPHEUS Tank, charge the E.M.P. TANK (V.O.) Yes, sir. TRINITY You can't use that until Neo is out! MORPHEUS I know, Trinity. Don't worry. He's going to make it. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 116. 183 EXT. CITY STREET - DAY 183 A BUSINESSMAN walks along the sidewalk, wheeling and dealing into his cell phone when it disappears, snatched by Neo as he flashes by. MAN (BUSINESSMAN) What the shit!-- my phone! The Man turns to call for help and when he turns back, it is Agent Smith. Neo is in a full-out sprint, spinning and weaving away from every pedestrian, every potential Agent. He flips open the cell phone and dials long distance. 184 INT. HOVERCRAFT 184 Tank answers. TANK Operator. NEO (V.O.) Mr. Wizard, get me the hell out of here! 185 EXT. CITY STREET - DAY 185 Neo dives down an alley, Agent Smith starting to gain. NEO Hurry, Tank! I got some serious pursuit! 186 INT. HOVERCRAFT 186 The KEYBOARD is CLICKING, Tank searches for an exit. Trinity screams into the headset. TRINITY Neo, you better get your ass back here! 187 EXT. ALLEY 187 Agent Smith stops and takes aim. NEO I'm trying, Trinity. I'm trying. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 117. 187 CONTINUED: 187 A BULLET SHATTERS the image of Neo in a truck's rearview MIRROR. 188 INT. MAIN DECK 188 Tank speed-reads the reams of Matrix code. TANK I got a patch on an old exit. Wabash and Lake. A hotel. Room 303. 189 OMITTED 189 190 EXT. OPEN MARKET 190 Neo spins away, turning, and finds himself in an open market that teems with people. He kamikazes his way down the!little avenues lined with vendors and shops, careening through the labyrinth, out of control. And at every turn there is an Agent; appearing from crowds, behind fish counters, tent flaps and crates. 191 OMITTED 191 192 EXT. ALLEY 192 He dives from the maze!down a service alley but it is a dead end. Neo turns back as the Agents emerge from the market. NEO Uh, help! Need a little help! 193 INT. MAIN DECK 193 Tank frantically scans the monitor like a road map. TANK The door. 194 EXT. ALLEY 194 Neo dives for it but!-- (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 118. 194 CONTINUED: 194 NEO It's locked. TANK (V.O.) Kick it in! Peeling back, Neo almost kicks the door from its hinges, lunging from the Agents' BULLETS. 195 INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - STAIRCASE 195 Neo springs up the old crooked apartment building stairs. A195 INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - HALL A195 He is halfway down the hall, running in sharp, long strides when a door explodes open at the end. TANK (V.O.) Shit! The door on your left. Neo lurches, kicking in an apartment door. TANK (V.O.) No! Other left! He whirls back to his other left, battering through the door which splinters, perforated by BULLETS. An old woman watches TV as Neo blurs past her and into her kitchen, where another woman is chopping vegetables. TANK (V.O.) That window! Neo throws it open, leaping for the fire escape just as a knife buries itself in the window casing. TANK (V.O.) Down! Down! B195 EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - FIRE ESCAPE B195 Tumbling down the RATTLING FIRE ESCAPE, Neo leaps the last ten feet into the alley below with Agent Brown right behind him. Neo scrapes himself to his feet, broken and bleeding, charging for the end of the alley. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/22/98 119. 196 INT. MAIN DECK 196 Finger on the monitor, Tank traces Neo's path. TANK That's it! You're almost there! That fire escape at the end of the alley! 197 EXT. HEART O' THE CITY HOTEL - DAY 197 Agent Smith suddenly pauses as if recognizing something; the faded NEON BUZZES: Heart O' The City Hotel. 198 INT. HOVERCRAFT 198 Tank loads the exit. TANK I'm going to make the call. MORPHEUS Do it! Suddenly, the lights go red. TRINITY No. Morpheus looks up. MORPHEUS Here they come. 199 EXT. SEWER MAIN 199 The sentinels open and shift like killer kaleidoscopes as they attack, slamming down on the Nebuchadnezzar. 200 INT. HOVERCRAFT 200 The hovercraft booms down as they hit. Morpheus opens the lock on the EMP detonator. Trinity watches him. MORPHEUS He's going to make it. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 120. 201 EXT. ALLEY - DAY 201 Neo scrambles up the fire escape, BULLETS SPARKING and RICOCHETING around him as Agents Brown and Jones close the gap. A201 INT. HALL - DAY A201 On the third floor, he kicks in the window, jumping into the hall. The doors count backwards: 310... 309... 202 INT. MAIN DECK 202 Another SYSTEM ALARM SOUNDS. TANK They've burned through the outer hull. TRINITY Hurry, Neo. 203 INT. HALL - DAY 203 Neo can hear the PHONE RINGING. 305... 304... Agent Brown reaches the broken window behind him just as Neo grabs the handle of 303, throwing open the door to find!-- Agent Smith, waiting, .45 cocked. Neo can't move!-- can't think!-- BOOM. 204 INT. MAIN DECK 204 Neo's body jerks, and everyone hears it as the LIFE MONITORS SNAP FLATLINE. Trinity screams. Morpheus stumbles back in disbelief. (CONTINUED) 121. 204 CONTINUED: 204 MORPHEUS No, it can't be. It can't be. Lasers suddenly sear through the main deck as the sentinels slice open the hull. 205 INT. HALL - DAY 205 Three holes in his chest, Neo falls to the blue shag carpeting, blood smearing down the wallpaper. Agent Smith stands over him, still aiming, taking no chances. AGENT SMITH Check him. 206 INT. MAIN DECK 206 Amid the destruction raining around her, Trinity takes hold of Neo's body. TRINITY Neo... 207 INT. HALL - DAY 207 Kneeling beside him, Agent Brown checks his vital signs. AGENT BROWN He's gone. Agent Smith smiles, standing over him. AGENT SMITH Good-bye, Mr. Anderson. 208 INT. MAIN DECK 208 In tears, Morpheus takes hold of the EMP switch. Trinity whispers in Neo's ear. TRINITY Neo, please, listen to me. I promised to tell you the rest. The Oracle, she told me that I'd fall in love and that man, the man I loved would be the one. You see? You can't be dead, Neo, you can't be because I love you. You hear me? I love you! (CONTINUED) 122. 208 CONTINUED: 208 Her eyes close and she kisses him, believing in all her heart that he will feel her lips and know that they speak the truth. 209 INT. HOTEL HALL - DAY 209 He does. And they do. His eyes snap open. 210 INT. MAIN DECK 210 Trinity screams as the monitors jump back to life. Tank and Morpheus look at each other. It is a miracle. TRINITY Now get up! 211 INT. HALL - DAY 211 Holding his chest, Neo struggles to get up. At the end of the hall, the Agents wait for the elevator when Agent Smith glances back. He rips off his sunglasses, looking at Neo as if he were looking at a ghost. Neo gets to his feet, all three Agents grabbing for their guns. As one, they FIRE. NEO No! Neo raises his hands and the BULLETS, like a cloud of obedient bees, slow and come to a stop. They hang frozen in space, fixed like stainless steel stars. The Agents are unable to absorb what they are seeing. Neo plucks one of the bullets from the air. We see him and the hall reflected in the bright casing. We MOVE CLOSER UNTIL the bullet fills our vision and the distorted reflection morphs, becoming the "real" image. He drops the bullet and the others fall to the floor. Neo looks out, now able to see through the curtain of the Matrix. For a moment, the walls, the floor, even the Agents become a rushing stream of code. 123. 212 INT. MAIN DECK 212 All three stare transfixed with awe as the scrolling code accelerates, faster and faster, as if the machine language was unable to keep up or perhaps describe what is happening. They begin to blur into streaks, shimmering ribbons of light that open like windows, as!-- Each screen fills with brilliant, saturated color images of Neo standing in the hall. TANK How...?! MORPHEUS He is the one. He is the one! An EXPLOSION shakes the entire ship. 213 INT. HALL 213 Agent Smith screams, his calm machine-like expression shredding with pure rage. He rushes Neo. His attack is ferocious but Neo blocks each blow easily. Then with one quick strike to the chest he sends Agent Smith flying backwards. For the first time since their inception, the Agents know fear. Agent Smith gets up, bracing himself as Neo charges him and springs into a dive. But the impact doesn't come. Neo sinks into Agent Smith, disappearing, his tie and coat rippling as if he were a deep pool of water. Spinning around he looks to the others and feels something, like a tremor before a quake, something deep, something that is going to change everything. Suddenly a SEARING SOUND stabs through his earpiece as his chest begins to swell, then balloon as!-- Neo BURSTS up out of him. And with a final death scream, Agent Smith EXPLODES like an empty husk in a brilliant cacophony of light, his shards spinning away, absorbed by the Matrix until!-- Only Neo is left. Neo faces the remaining Agents. They look at each other, the same idea striking simultaneously!-- They run. 124. 214 INT. MAIN DECK 214 sentinels are everywhere destroying the ship. TRINITY Neo! 215 INT. HALL 215 Again he hears her. He reacts to the RINGING PHONE, rushing toward it even as!-- 216 INT. MAIN DECK 216 A sentinel descends towards Morpheus. On the screen we see Neo dive for the phone as!-- TRINITY Now! Morpheus turns the key. 217 INT. OVERFLOW PIT 217 A blinding shock of white light floods the chamber; sentinels blink and fall instantly dead, filling the pit with their cold metal carcasses. 218 INT. HOVERCRAFT 218 In the still darkness, only the humans are alive. TRINITY Neo? His eyes open. Tears pour from her smiling eyes as he reaches up to touch her. And she kisses him; it seems like it might last forever. FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: 219 CLOSE ON COMPUTER SCREEN 219 as in the opening. The cursor beating steadily, waiting. A PHONE begins to RING. (CONTINUED) THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 125. 219 CONTINUED: 219 It is answered and the screen fills instantly with the trace program. After a long beat, we recognize Neo's voice. NEO (V.O.) Hi. It's me. I know you're out there. I can feel you now. We CLOSE IN ON the racing columns of numbers shimmering across the screen. NEO (V.O.) I imagine you can also feel me. The numbers begin to lock into place. NEO (V.O.) You won't have to search for me anymore. I'm done running. Done hiding. Whether I'm done fighting, I suppose, is up to you. We GLIDE IN TOWARDS the screen. NEO (V.O.) I believe deep down, we both want this world to change. I believe that the Matrix can remain our cage or it can become our chrysalis, that's what you helped me to understand. That to be free, you cannot change your cage. You have to change yourself. We DIVE THROUGH the numbers, surging UP THROUGH the darkness, sucked TOWARDS a tight constellation of stars. NEO (V.O.) When I used to look out at this world, all I could see was its edges, its boundaries, its rules and controls, its leaders and laws. But now, I see another world. A different world where all things are possible. A world of hope. Of peace. We realize that the constellation is actually the holes in the mouthpiece of a phone. Seen from inside. NEO (V.O.) I can't tell you how to get there, but I know if you can free your mind, you'll find the way. THE MATRIX - Rev. 3/9/98 125A. 220 EXT. STREET - PHONE BOOTH 220 We SHOOT THROUGH the holes as!Neo hangs up the phone. (CONTINUED) 126. 220 CONTINUED: 220 He steps out of the phone and slides on a pair of sunglasses. He looks up and we RISE. HIGHER and HIGHER, until the city is miles below. After a moment, Neo blasts by us, his long, black coat billowing like a black leather cape as he flies faster than a speeding bullet. FADE OUT. THE END